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Posts: 437
Registered: ‎07-03-2010

Paging Ave-leen ~ Swarovski's Aura Parfume Site ~

Hiya girlie girl. I have a little more info now. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} Still not enough until Fridays Launch. I called Carol back {last nights gal I chatted up with regarding this very thing Swarovskis venturing into The Industry with, Aura}. She was trying to 'get' what we do here, facts etc et all. She doesn't internet so her frame of global, need more FACTS, is reserved. She IS wonderful and, with the mindset of why don't you just come into the store on Friday for the party. Ah well...

The Site, hahaha. Created JUST for this venture in the now, for Swarovski. This of course arrived in Europe first. This Friday is USA wide in all stores, The Launch for USofA.

For Aura

I've not even looked thru this yet myself. Too excited, {#emotions_dlg.w00t} and time wise limited to post it up. Swarovski has parterned with Clarins, this is a really big deal, I think. They do also have a Parfume Balm, Lipstick(s), Body Lotion(s). This IS where any further launches will also be announced, teased with, to us. Anyone wanting to be in the know.

Ever present within each product is micronized crystals that only Swarovski really, truely {my heart is pounding}, can do. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

With purchase there is a code that you then enter into this site. It will track purchase's, meld to what you like, from what it is seeing. Then its supposed to let one know. (?)

Where its still a little confusing is -she was not sure whether this site is orderable from, yet. She's just gotten into it herself to somewhat prep for her Friday in her Store. HA! Me too!

Enjoy the opening video. Its beautiful. {#emotions_dlg.tt1} Ahhhhh. Go to the main website for Swarovski to find the stores. Your closest store. If not, Cherry Hills said they would help. Man I gotta! love Cherry Hill.