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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

On 7/28/2014 Peaches McPhee said:

My inlaws have both done this. Their biggest beef is that no one cares enough to participate or come to meetings. Residents just vote by mail & don't serve on committees, except for a few.

I think this happens when the board becomes unresponsive to the wishes of the members and the members get disgusted and stop participating.

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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

Happy housewife...while it is tempting to ignore the board and association, that can become problematic if the wrong people get the majority of the board. I am assuming like me your house if your biggest investment. Do you really want the wrong people making decisions that will impact your biggest investment?
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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

On 7/28/2014 bullyluv said: Happy housewife...while it is tempting to ignore the board and association, that can become problematic if the wrong people get the majority of the board. I am assuming like me your house if your biggest investment. Do you really want the wrong people making decisions that will impact your biggest investment?

You can attend all these meetings, volunteer and work for the community etc etc but in the end you will be nothing but frustrated. I am sick to death of the people in our community standing in the street ranting and raving over some little nothing point. If they pass a rule I disagree with strongly I will write a petition and get it changed but , in general, I have little interest in going to meetings and getting my BP up.

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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

Well I am sorry it is like that where you are. We gathered and made sure we passed getting new siding, which some didn't want. They wanted a patch and repair which would have resulted in the townhomes looking like a patchwork quilt and keeping old rotten siding on life support. So we got new siding...due to rallying, and getting the word out. Now instead of ten units sitting for sale for a year..due to our new gorgeous siding all units have sold and we now have a waiting list, and our values have really increased. Getting involved can make a difference. We have a great community overall but as you know it just takes a few to turn things badly.
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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

I have found with our board most of the members have a personal agenda they are protecting and that's why they are on the board. They aren't very good at enforcing any rules because they are the biggest rule breakers.

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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

I am a paralegal for a real estate attorney so I get to hear about this stuff all the time! we represent a few boards. Not a chance in you know where that I'm serving on our board lol. but I will tell you one thing I have learned through the years most of these management companies are complete and utter garbage! and here in Florida the foreclosures are a big problem for condominiums just trying to get maintenance paid. I'm thankful now that my community has a very strict rental policy. the building down the street is a complete mess now (financially)because they have a high percentage of non resident owners
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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

On 7/28/2014 sashamatthews said:

I was on our board for many years, several as its President. I believe there are unit owners today who think of me as one of those argumentative types, but I have lived there for 25 years (I am an original owner) , I know the rules, and I know what it takes to maintain such a property. Right now, the current board is allowing a landscaping installation which is contrary to all past approvals. I complained - loudly. The board countered with this: if you don't like it, sue us. That is what I am dealing with now. And they wonder why I am upset?

Sasha you sound a lot like me. I too have lived in my assoc. home for 25 years most of which I served on the board and as Pres. Our current board is more into their egos than the betterment of the entire association. They are allowing things that are contrary to or documents and when I voice concerns and cite our documents they ask "why are you starting trouble?" LOL Suggestions ???

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Registered: ‎07-20-2014

Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

On 7/28/2014 sashamatthews said:

I was on our board for many years, several as its President. I believe there are unit owners today who think of me as one of those argumentative types, but I have lived there for 25 years (I am an original owner) , I know the rules, and I know what it takes to maintain such a property. Right now, the current board is allowing a landscaping installation which is contrary to all past approvals. I complained - loudly. The board countered with this: if you don't like it, sue us. That is what I am dealing with now. And they wonder why I am upset?

Sasha you sound a lot like me. I too have lived in my assoc. home for 25 years most of which I served on the board and as Pres. Our current board is more into their egos than the betterment of the entire association. They are allowing things that are contrary to or documents and when I voice concerns and cite our documents they ask "why are you starting trouble?" LOL Suggestions ???

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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

I have lived in my community since 1979, and serve as Treasurer. I get pretty " beaten up" when I announce an annual increase to the common charges. Yet our City water bill is well above $100,000 annually (do not have individual meters, cannot install), and our snow removal this past winter cost 100% over budget. Every one of you express my frustration. We even have a member of the community bringing legal action us because she no longer has a seat on the Board! Our community is beautiful, but the politics are ridiculous. Bless you all who are willing to serve. Fight the good fight. And whenever you need to, return to this Forum.
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Re: Ot anyone here on a condo/townhouse board?

Andrea brought up a good point about renters. I know you can get bad owners and have good renters, but if you have over 10percent renting in your community it will reflect in the value. We changed our rules that we must be owner occupied we do have a hard ship clause. Our current renters (just a handful) are grandfathered in. All our renters are good except one section 8 which is another issue. One rn many shoes...I feel your pain, it sounds like they are shooting the messenger! We had a horrible snow budget this past winter as well! Let the former memember sue! Keep in contact with your attorney and he or she will probably be able to handle it quickly. We have a board memember who challenges anything and everything our attorney finally told us to just ignore because this member us always wrong! Our community is so nice overall and we just want to keep it that way(: we have elections coming up this fall and I am worried about who will be running, it's always an exciting time! Hang in there!