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Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

I already have a sonic toothbrush and like using it very much.


Just wondered if anyone thinks it will actually brighten well with the blue light, and the Hyperox gel ?


My teeth seriously need some brightening....anyone using it already, don't know if it was sold early or not ? I did just hear the host say it was the same one as sold last year !


The reviews on all the other Go Smile, products were not great just so-so...if this is a no go for you.....What is your best tooth brightening system ?











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Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

Why don't you check out the reviews on Amazon and other sites to see if it would be something you'd like.

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Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

I checked out other websites for the product and it didn't get great reviews.  Lots of folks complained about sensitivity issues.

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Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

I ordered the TSV from InsideQ and am coming up on 3 weeks of use. I've noticed a very slight difference, but it's really hardly noticeable. I have not experienced any sensitivity whatsoever. Based on what I've seen so far, I wouldn't recommend it for its whitening properties, but my "difference in 30 days" period is not up just yet. It is a good sonic toothbrush, though. You can always try it out and return it if you don't get your desired results. Right now, my vote is also that it's just so-so.

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Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

My dentist explained to me that the dentin - the material inside the tooth - is yellow. As we age our teeth get thinner and thinner and eventually the yellow of the dentin begins to show and the teeth appear yellow. The only way to make those teeth appear whiter is to use a veneer over the porcelain which hides the dentin showing through. Having the teeth veneered is very expensive. As one ages there is little else we can do to reverse the yellowing of the teeth. Younger people can whiten their teeth by removing stains but as one ages plus genetics (some people have genetically yellower teeth) there isn't much you can do except veneers or dentures.

Posts: 29
Registered: ‎08-22-2013

Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

My dentist made me stop using Supersmile and told me to NEVER use prescription strength whitening toothpaste or I would lose my teeth. He said it's worse to lose teeth than to have yellowing teeth.
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Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

@151949 wrote:

My dentist explained to me that the dentin - the material inside the tooth - is yellow. As we age our teeth get thinner and thinner and eventually the yellow of the dentin begins to show and the teeth appear yellow. The only way to make those teeth appear whiter is to use a veneer over the porcelain which hides the dentin showing through. Having the teeth veneered is very expensive. As one ages there is little else we can do to reverse the yellowing of the teeth. Younger people can whiten their teeth by removing stains but as one ages plus genetics (some people have genetically yellower teeth) there isn't much you can do except veneers or dentures.

Well that's not good news in general...but makes sense. Getting older is not much fun !

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Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

@beautybird wrote:
My dentist made me stop usingSupersmile and told me to NEVER use prescription strength whitening toothpaste or I would lose my teeth. He said it's worse to lose teeth than to have yellowing teeth.

Glad I chose to pass on it...thx for all of your replies !!

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Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

i've been using supersmile for about 5 yrs.. why did he tell you to stop? i'm curious i've had no problems with it. i've even told my dentist about it

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Re: Opinions on the Go Smile Sonic Blue teeth system ??

I ordered it as the TSV.  After reading these opinions which I value very much.  I have decied to send it back immediately!  I always read the revies but there was only one to go on. I should have checked the forum as well but did not think of it.  Thank you everybody!