Frequent Contributor
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Sorry this is very off topic--though I've been crying like crazy so I can recommend L'oreal voluminous waterproof mascara...

My boyfriend and I broke up recently. We had been dating since last August and spent the holidays together thinking they were our first of many, he and my father got a long so well and I had a good relationship with his family. We talked about getting engaged and married next year because this relationship felt so different for each of us and it really did seem like we were each other's "ones."

Well starting at the end of January we started fighting a lot and broke up/got back together a few times. When I get mad I tend to say things out of hurt and anger at the heat of the moment that I don't mean but it hurts the other person no matter what and that was what happened in our case. He reached his breaking point after our last fight and decided he wanted to end things. But not before he joined a dating website and began talking to other women behind my back while we were still talking and I was hoping to work things out.

I shouldn't have let my anger get so bad as to cut him with my words, but I feel that if he really loved me as he said, and wanted the future/family with me, he would've forgiven me. I am upset about the online dating thing but more hurt that he felt the need to do that to move on and forget about me so soon. I am just so heartbroken because I never thought about getting married and having a family until him. When we were together we were amazing, but apart..really bad.

Any advice on how to get over this and start feeling better? I already lost my mom last March, now I lost the first guy I loved and dated since in march as well. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. It's easy for my friends to say "get over it, move on, you can do better, etc." but maybe more truthful from strangers/fellow makeup addicts.