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I have been in your shoes, and I'm very sorry. I lost my dad 4 years ago, and my mom is stage 4. I spend 6 hours in the emergency room last night.

I don't want to pry into your situation, but it helps to have someone clean the house for them, if you can't do it see if you can get a housekeeper for them. Your parents will be in and out of the hospital and meanwhile things will still need to be taken care for them at home. Laundry grocery store shopping etc.

Also, I don't mean this to sound cold, but get their paperwork in order. My mom did not want to be recistated so she had a DNR. But the patient needs to sign it, it has to be on record with the hospital. Maybe your dad wants to be alive at all costs, with tubes, etc. But it's good to know what he wants.

Hugs to you, try to stay strong, it's a tough journey for everyone involved. You, your parents and your kids.

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HappyDays - Im so sorry to hear of your dad's diagnosis. Im sure many from here are sending prayers and positive thoughts as am I. Try to stay strong even though I know this is very difficult. Praying for God's blessings for your dad, you, and your family.

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So sorry for your bad news.

You and your parents are in my prayers.


Posts: 52
Registered: ‎02-18-2013 dad has had 8 treatments. He is sicker than ever and very skinny and weak. My mom is exhausted and feeling like she is not strong enough at times. My dad is getting bad results on blood work. Liver counts still very high. I feel so angry and sad at the same time. I hate what is happening and can't do a thing about it. I wish I could take his pain for him. He doesn't deserve this. No one does. My mom suffers from migraine headaches...about 5 of them a week. She is the strongest person I know...she hides them from my dad so he don't worry. Please continue to pray for my family.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 8/16/2014 HappyDaysRcomin said: dad has had 8 treatments. He is sicker than ever and very skinny and weak. My mom is exhausted and feeling like she is not strong enough at times. My dad is getting bad results on blood work. Liver counts still very high. I feel so angry and sad at the same time. I hate what is happening and can't do a thing about it. I wish I could take his pain for him. He doesn't deserve this. No one does. My mom suffers from migraine headaches...about 5 of them a week. She is the strongest person I know...she hides them from my dad so he don't worry. Please continue to pray for my family.

I will continue to pray for your dad's healing, as well as strength and endurance for you, your mom and family. I've been there with my dad as well and know how exhausting it can be emotionally, physically and spiritually. Not being able to control a situation can be very frustrating, especially when it involves those we love. I'm sorry you have to walk this road.

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Registered: ‎11-30-2011

Happy Days - I just survived St. 4 Melanoma in lung & brain. Survival is possible! I'm sending you and your family all the positive energy I can.

I would encourage you to go to the "cancer survivors" thread in this Health & Fitness section. We offer strength & support to anyone touched by this disease, whether personal or a family member.

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Registered: ‎11-30-2011
On 6/6/2014 Lefebure said:

I am fighting colerectal cancer which has metz to the liver and my heart goes out to you. Cancer is a horrible thing to go through. It is a struggle not only for the person with the disease but it eats away at the family. They have given me 2 years and I have almost gone through 1 year already...fighting with chemo which in itself is a terrible experience. I will have you and your Dad in my prayers. God be with you.

Keep your fight going!!! As I said to Happy Days, there is a "cancer survivor" thread in Health & Fitness. Great place to get support, information and love.

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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

My prayers are with you and your family.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 1,075
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I lost my dad to cancer so I know what you're going through. Please get this book and read it together. It has 597 five star reviews. It evaluates all current alternative treatments and will give you hope and encouragement. I'm not sure if there's a later edition.


There are other similar books here

You can find info on clinical trials in your area here

There are also prayer groups you can find online with people praying for your dad all over the world.

Hope this helps...and never lose hope!

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Posts: 1,156
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I'm sending good thoughts to everyone on the thread. So sorry for your struggles and losses.