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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Have you also been missing out on ONE DAY ONLY PRICES offered in a 10PM or 11PM show? I usually DVR any shows on that late to watch the next day. It isn't good marketing to offer a one time price w/ only 2 hours to take advantage of it...especially when a lot of women are asleep!!!! I've noticed this on beauty shows, jewelry & clothing as well.


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Posts: 164
Registered: ‎09-04-2010

 Sahnus- if yuo go to "Top Finds" at the top of the front page you can find the one day only items. HTH Rose

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Posts: 24,246
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.  That's life.  QVC can't satisfy everyone.  Yes, you might miss out on something, but the fact that you choose DVR the program to watch it later doesn't make it QVC's fault.  It's no different from people on the west coast missing out on the Lunchtime Specials.  They're over, nearly over, or sold out when those folks are just getting their days started and likely busy with other things.  Another thing to consider is that with many of these pricing specials is that stock is limited.  That's likely the reason they offer them when they do, hoping/expecting to sell out and clear out the inventory.

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Posts: 43,309
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

@Shanus wrote:

Have you also been missing out on ONE DAY ONLY PRICES offered in a 10PM or 11PM show? I usually DVR any shows on that late to watch the next day. It isn't good marketing to offer a one time price w/ only 2 hours to take advantage of it...especially when a lot of women are asleep!!!! I've noticed this on beauty shows, jewelry & clothing as well.




All you have to do is click on TOP FINDS ....   even at the top of this page, on the right hand side.   See?   No problem.  

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Posts: 1,606
Registered: ‎08-11-2012

Actually the One Day Only prices are valid until 3am ET the next day.  Same for the TSV prices.  When I am up past midnight, I will look to see what the ODO were for yesterday and see if there are any I would like. It's actually a good time to do this as people will change their mind and cancel. so you maybe be able to get the size and/or color you wanted that wasn't available earlier.


Only the LTS has a true buying window of 11am - 4pm ET.  But often, If an item is sold out during the LTS window and becomes available later in the day, I call CS, give them the item number and the LTS price (very important you have the price as CS has no way to look it up), and they will match the price for me.  Even the easy pays if I want that as well.  QVC CS is very accomodating.  I haven't called them for a ODO price to see if they would price match that as well but I have for a TSV when my size/color didn't become available until the next afternoon.