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O/T personal habits in public?

Okay, I fear a lot of you are going to just tell me to live and let live...but I am wondering if the situation/person I am about to describe does this when she is nervous and doesn't realize how gross it is, or if she just doesn't realize how gross it is....

Here goes - a junior colleague of mine has a habit of using an old fashioned hankie to thoroughly clean her nose, then she shakes it out, refolds it and puts it back in her pocket. And she does this in public, in a meeting, whenever and where ever the mood (or nerves) hit.

Maybe I am particularly sensitive to this, but I have to look away, it just grosses me out. I understand if your nose is running you might need a tissue (the kind you throw away) to wipe or blow in public, but this goes beyond that.

I mean I wear invisilign braces, and I do not take them out in front of people when I am about to eat. I either take them out (privately) in advance of a meeting (where food is served) or I excuse myself and go to the restroom. It does not bother me to see my own spit, but I think it would be totally disgusting for someone to watch me pull these out of my mouth with strings of saliva dripping off of them!

Anyway, do you think I should pull her aside and suggest her nose cleaning should be done in private, whenever possible? suggest she use tissues (which, by the way our office provides so there are boxes all over the place)? Leave it alone?

thank you in advance for you consideration.


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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

It's gross for sure but I am not sure that I would say anything.

Curious to see what other think. I think it would be hard to approach her about it.

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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

After 20 years in the corporate world, I strongly advise you to look away and let it ride. There simply is no good way to approach her about this without making her angry, uncomfortable, or embarrassed. One of the Vice Presidents of the company I worked for had his little "habit" that became the joke that wouldn't die. No matter what the situation, no matter who he was with, no matter how many people ... he nervously was compelled to "adjust himself". Just look away.

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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

Let it go or IF it really bothers you and prevents you from working or distracts you to the point that it interferes with your job, tell Human Resources....but don't confront the employee. Depending on how you went about it, it could be perceived as confrontational or picking on the employee.
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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

This is beyond nauseating. I would have to say something {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}, but should you? No . Probably not.

I got raked over the coals in another thread , as I have a problem with those who clean, dig, examine {#emotions_dlg.blink} - and blow at a restaurant table, then toss the tissue/napkin on the table. {#emotions_dlg.scared}

I suggested they excuse themselves, out of manners and respect for those seated with them - as well as others .

I was "insensitive to those with illness." {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

How gross is that? I would want to say something. It I doubt if I would though. I do not blow my nose in public because I think it's gross .i worked with a woman years ago that would wear sleeveless blouses and didn't shave under her arms and she had a lot of hair and must not have used deodorant either and I wanted to say something so bad, in fact some of us wanted to give a bar of soap, never did but it was a thought .
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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

On 3/11/2014 CAshopper2011 said: Let it go or IF it really bothers you and prevents you from working or distracts you to the point that it interferes with your job, tell Human Resources....but don't confront the employee. Depending on how you went about it, it could be perceived as confrontational or picking on the employee.

Considering i work in HR the first thing you should do is talk with your coworker in private. Going to HR without talking with your coworker first is only going to have HR say to you "Have you talked with your coworker about it already?". if you don't HR is going to tell you to do so. only after you talk to your coworker first and the situation doesn't get rectified that way will HR be willing to take action, and only after you've also spoken with your boss/supervisor/manager.

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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

It's gross and disgusting. And you should say NOTHING. You think she's going to thank you for telling her she's a disgusting pig? You'll only antagonize her and that could create a different set of problems. Depending on what your supervisor is like, you might try privately discussing this with him or her. Approach it from a health perspective (which it is), stress how unsanitary her behavior is and ask for advice. But don't be surprised if he or she backs away from the situation. It's a no win situation. Also, if Miss Piggy has a close friend at work, you might try enlisting that person's help.

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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

Oh Yuck!!!! She ""shakes it out""?! Sounds like she could be spreading germs as well as looking gross. You have my sympathies having to be around this. I don't know what I would say but I just might ask why she doesn't like using paper tissues.

Hmmm maybe on second thought you might want to whip out some hand sanitzer when she does this...might get the hint.

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Re: O/T personal habits in public?

On 3/11/2014 jurby said:
On 3/11/2014 CAshopper2011 said: Let it go or IF it really bothers you and prevents you from working or distracts you to the point that it interferes with your job, tell Human Resources....but don't confront the employee. Depending on how you went about it, it could be perceived as confrontational or picking on the employee.

Considering i work in HR the first thing you should do is talk with your coworker in private. Going to HR without talking with your coworker first is only going to have HR say to you "Have you talked with your coworker about it already?". if you don't HR is going to tell you to do so. only after you talk to your coworker first and the situation doesn't get rectified that way will HR be willing to take action, and only after you've also spoken with your boss/supervisor/manager.

Going to HR is really extreme. If a habit of a co-worker bothers you, then look away.

It's not lewd behavior; it is personally gross to you because it is something that you wouldn't dream of doing in public. 'I'm too nice to say something to that employee (?) so I'll get HR to deal with what I don't like.... to stop it.'

Are you prepared to open up a can of worms in the workplace by running to HR? It may be a gross thing.... and also equally smart to turn a blind eye if it does not interfere with work performance.

Running to HR smacks of childish grade school tattling over such a thing.