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Re: O/T Please list your best tips for Retirement Planning



This is another time I will say thank goodness for a good Union.  I hope your DH's retirement benefits also includes you on his insurance.  


I have so many friends retiring but I can't at this time. I am happy for everyone that is able to retire.  They earned it.  

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Posts: 795
Registered: ‎01-01-2014

Re: O/T Please list your best tips for Retirement Planning

@MarieIG wrote:


I did the same thing.  Sorry anyone.  I thought this was a recent post.   I am on a learning curve here.  Man Frustrated   Failing so far. 

@INDIANA BONES  Noooooooo!  You are not failing!  You are a knowledgeable, kind, thoughtful poster, and an asset to the board!  


The info you posted will be helpful to many people who read it.



Thank you for your kind words.  The kindness here and helpfulness of others is surreal. 

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Re: O/T Please list your best tips for Retirement Planning

@MeAgain wrote:
Turn off Q

My husband agrees, LOL.


I do save, but I love buying too, LOL.  


My DH says that women keep the economy going.  He certainly doesn't. 

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: O/T Please list your best tips for Retirement Planning

i will never be able to retire and i think that will be true with millions.  The last minirecession  many people lost their mutral funds and 401k.  All i have is a 401k and I try to contribute something every paycheck to it even if  its only 1%  

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Re: O/T Please list your best tips for Retirement Planning

@silkyk wrote:

My #1 advice is pay off your mortgage! Most of our friends decided to use their house as a bank and refinanced themselves into debt for many, many more years. They went on cruises and bought new cars and generally blew all their equity ( and freedom from a mortgage payment every month). Don't do that.  Also I agree with the poster who advised "live below your means". Living WELL is the best revenge and you'll be doing it!


I think this is very good advise.  I would agree, if possible, it is preferable to face retirement without a mortgage. I'm not looking for a new car now.  We have our cars serviced reguarly, and I hope to keep them for a long time .

Do the math.
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Re: O/T Please list your best tips for Retirement Planning




This is another time I will say thank goodness for a good Union.  I hope your DH's retirement benefits also includes you on his insurance.  


I have so many friends retiring but I can't at this time. I am happy for everyone that is able to retire.  They earned it.  

Thank you Moroco,  I am greatful for his union as well.  Yes, thank goodness I am covered under his health insurance plan.  It is much better than the plan in my office which is basically catastrophic. I hope that your job is not too stressful and that things work out well for you.

Do the math.
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Re: O/T Please list your best tips for Retirement Planning

@kcladyz wrote:

i will never be able to retire and i think that will be true with millions.  The last minirecession  many people lost their mutral funds and 401k.  All i have is a 401k and I try to contribute something every paycheck to it even if  its only 1%  


Yes, my job just has the 401(k).  I hope that you will have social security as well. 


Do the math.
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Re: O/T Please list your best tips for Retirement Planning

@Pinkroses wrote:

Do not use credit cards. Save and don't watch QVC or HSN

There is nothing wrong with using credit cards, providing you do not spend more than you can afford.  We use a Discover Card for almost everything and pay it in full every month.  I take the cash back reward once a year.  It is a significant amount of money. Had we paid cash, there would be no FREE MONEY. (not to mention how much cash we'd have to keep on hand)