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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

I just thought of a kind of funny name for a dog or cat....Cynthia. Ever heard of one called out at the Vet...."Cynthia Jones". Ha! That's funny, isn't it?

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

LOL I like boy and girl names too.

I wanted to name our basset, Angela. Angela Basset

my canary was: Harry Canary (Harry Carey - Chicago sportscaster)

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

On 3/3/2014 annabellethecat said:

No, she's black and white.

I figured she was different from your comments about his coloring.


Ceniza (ash, in Spanish- say-knee-zah)- since it might be Ash Wed. before you see her again and she has "blessed" you


Or maybe after a film noir star?

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

Annabelle I do not post often but always read the boards. I am so very very sorry about your beloved Jack the Cat. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I love cats too and I am sure Jack knows that he was well loved and had a great life with you. So very sorry.

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

I like all of your names. How about Lana (for Lana Turner)? I thought about naming him Martin (that's kind of different).

He's laying here in the chair Jack the cat used to stretch out in. Jack's smell is all over this house. I thought that might be a problem, but my friend said that it would only be a problem if Jack were here. He did jump up in the chair and sniff it over and over and then stretched out.

I'll be if I went in the living room near that huge pile of cat nip he'd jump out of the chair and come running to protect it! It is such a mess! I've never had one love it like he does! We used to call cat nip Marijuana (pronounce it Mara ju(long u) wanna (as in I wanna go)!

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

Annabelle I am so glad to hear about your kitties! It is so fun to name kitties (and puppies!). I think it is cute they are brother and sister. I would think of famous couple names and go from there.

You could name them Ginger and Fred!

Rhett and Scarlett!

Mickey and Minnie!

Or use names that you can change a bit to make them Ben and Jerri!

I hope you find just the right names for them. I think it's wonderful you have new kitties!

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

Bonnie and Clyde!

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

Or Jane and Peter! (Fonda)

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

Donnie and Marie (Osmond)

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Re: O/T Jack the Cat Died Today

Since he's a lover, Romeo... and Juliet? Kiss