Posts: 42
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

I was born and raised in England until the age of 12, then we lived in Vancouver B. C., then we moved to California - I now live in Arizona, but if I had to leave this great country, I would choose Australia or New Zealand.
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Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

Ireland. I got to visit a couple years ago and I absolutely fell in love.

After that, Italy Smiley Happy

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Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

For purely selfish reasons, right now I would choose Switzerland as my son and his family just moved there for 3 years. And they are in Basel, literally blocks from France and Germany (down the street from their home, the address is considered France so really close) They also have literally zero gun violence. They require all citizens to know how to shoot a gun by a certain age and recently heard that they heavily control cat populations. There are no stray cats there. Not saying either of those things is good, just being informative. Well, the gun control and attitude is good, imo.

Norway is wonderful to it's citizens but living in such a cold climate with a very long, dark winter season would be tough on my light sensitive moods ( depression tends to affect me in winter months)

Unless I moved permanently to a warm southern climate, I'd have to choose two places so warm weather would be the primary weather for me. I have lived and loved really cold climates (minus 45 degrees not including wind chill and average 250 inches of snow) but as I've aged, I find them harder to tolerate.

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Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

Vancouver BC. I love it there. It's like a Canadian version of Seattle.
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Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

Italy or BVI

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Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

One of two places. In the Countryside in a smaller city in The United Kingdom. I love the weather and the history and feel very at home there. Or Venice Italy. My family came over from Venice to London in the Mid 1500's. I have a lot of family still there. Italians are very accommodating and kind to distant relatives no matter how distant. That is more than I can say for most of the other side of my family.

By the way lovely topic OP. I liked the question.

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Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

It surely wouldn't be Canada because of their healthcare system. Don't want to wait months to have an MRI done or any procedures. So, would probably pick New Zealand.
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Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

I don't know. Where does it pretty much stay 70 degrees and partly sunny, have a nice Fall season and not too harsh of a winter? Oh, and no bugs and snakes. Texas is not for wimps. I'm a wimp.

Posts: 25
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

My husband works for a large international company and we currently live in Malaysia. The culture is very different from the U.S., and while I really like the country and the people a lot it won't be our home beyond this assignment (another 2+ years). The city I love to join my husband on a business trip to is Melbourne, Australia and I told him to keep it in mind for his next assignment. Another city I really enjoy and could easily live is Singapore! We travel there often for a weekend away and when the company gives us R&R. It might be the safest and cleanest city in the world and has a great public transportation system, so I wouldn't even have to consider owning a car there. We're flying to Singapore Thursday for the long holiday weekend (though it's not a holiday here), and I've already made reservations to spend Christmas and New Year's there at the end of the year because I love it so much.

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Re: O/T- If you couldn't live in the U.S. any longer....where would you go??

TossUp: Vancouver, Edinborough, London, Munich, Lake Como, St. Moritz, Paris, Berlin, Bermuda, Salzburg, Budapest, Singapore, or Innsbruck