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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

They also made it sound like a LOT of food! 61 servings (or whatever the number was).

Not 61 MEALS, and they never said "what was considered a serving" --- 1/4 cup? 1/2 cup?

I was without power for 2 weeks a few years ago, and made do.

This felt like fear mongering to me. Talking about climate change etc.

What they actually looked like were the meals-ready-to-eat that our military guys eat when they are out in the woods (or desert) training. My son says they don't taste to bad, but are extremely fattening, very high calorie.

I could get way more food for emergencies for less money, and I would trust it too. Their 'this food lasts for 25 years". No thanks. That sounds scary. They won't even be in business in 25 years most likely!

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Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

On 2/2/2015 S Woods said:

I read the Nutritional Data on these meals. The amount of SALT is ridiculous!! This is not a healthy source of Emergency food!

If you are in a situation that you have to eat MRE's to survive, I think the sodium content would be the last thing on your mind.

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