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Registered: ‎01-27-2015

Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

I read the Nutritional Data on these meals. The amount of SALT is ridiculous!! This is not a healthy source of Emergency food!

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

On 2/2/2015 VCamp2748 said:

I can't imagine why anyone would really want dried food that supposedly lasts 25 years.

I watched a little of the presentation last night & the show host keep saying, " MUST have this..." Using scare tactics to sell dried food is pathetic. I agree with other posters about just keeping your own canned & dried goods, & water on hand for emergencies.

I didn't see any of the presentation, but if they were using scare tactics to get sales, that is so wrong on so many levels. JMO

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

Not really interested. If all fails I will start up a grill or my wood stove or find another way. I wonder how well it is selling.

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

I purchased it today for some of the weather problems we have had in our area of the country.

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

I was interested in it, too. I decided not to get it, but its appeal is you can grab it and go if you need to evacuate. If something like Katrina or Hurricane Sandy, a major nuclear plant malfunction, or some other emergency happened, you'd have food that was easy to take with you. When I've had water main breaks, it's been pandemonium at the supermarket with everyone swarming around the water. Once I was in the thick of things and found a very elderly lady standing there looking frail. I asked her how many gallons she wanted. She said only one, so I handed her one and made sure she didn't need more. Then she took off.

There's also the danger to our currency from all the Fed's extended money printing, which in all of financial history has NEVER ended on a positive note.

I think it's comforting to know you have that even if you never use it.

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

Some big box stores sell these type of meals in the 5 gallon container.

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

On 2/2/2015 ValuSkr said:
On 2/2/2015 millieshops said:

Fear mongering. And expensive fear mongering at that.

Yes, you need to prepare for emergencies, but.... there are better ways imo.

I agree, these meals are ridiculous. Just keep canned foods and water in the pantry.

The problem with simply keeping canned foods on hand for emergencies is that they expire in a year or so. That means you have to constantly keep up-to-date on what stock you have and what needs to be pitched (because it's expired) and then you need to replenish it. Most people don't do that. They stock their pantry and forget about it. But it would be a nightmare to actually have an emergency situation that lasts for days and come to find out all your canned goods expired 4 or 5 years ago.

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

On 2/2/2015 poregirl said:

Some big box stores sell these type of meals in the 5 gallon container.

Thanks for that info!

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

On 2/2/2015 Ms X said:
On 2/2/2015 poregirl said:

Some big box stores sell these type of meals in the 5 gallon container.

Thanks for that info!

You can also get many of these meals at your local sporting goods stores. A lot of backpackers love them for the convenience of a day or two's meals on the go. Many of the big name companies have sample packages for just a couple of bucks. Try their websites. I'd try a sample before investing $$$.

I do stock a deep pantry because I live rural but to make it work you have to rotate your stock and be diligent about using it. Otherwise you'll be tossing canned goods you didn't know were there. A total waste of food $.

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Re: O/T: HSN Emergency Meals Kit TS

I see these meals at BJ's and Costco. What kind of emergency, realistically, or situation would someone need to use these?

Has anyone been in a situation where they had a need for emergency food? Even camping?

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.