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I have an elderly cat with renal problems. She started urin*ating in two or three places around the house. I've added an additional litter box upstairs and don't know what to do to stop this problem. Please anyone who has experienced this, what have you done that works? The cat is ill and probably doesn't have a lot longer, but I refuse to let her be put to sleep as I do not think it is time for that! Must do something though, my hardwood floors are getting ruined and I want to sell my house. Please, anyone? thanks in advance! One solution I know works is to keep her relegated to the basement but I feel very bad to do that.

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I'm so sorry to hear this and don't have experience with it but please go to the Pet Chat and the ladies there can help you as many have dealt with this very same issue.They will be very happy to help you.

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Have you taken her to the vet to rule out a UTI?

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

The vet diagnosed her with a renal problems and said she needs a renal diet. I've tried the food he sold me and she won't eat it. I will go to the Pet Chat though and see what the ladies there say. This is a first for me. Thanks for your replies!

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BTW where is the Pet Chat? I can't find it! Thanks!

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I had an elderly cat with kidney disease who recently passed away. She had litter box issues primarily when she had a UTI, although I never could stop her from going on my bathroom rug once in awhile. My only advice is to have her checked for a UTI and keep her litter boxes very clean. If she won't eat the kidney diet, don't try to force her but make sure she eats something. My vet told me that, at her later stages, her need for nutrition took priority over the need for the kidney diet. I wish you all the best, I know first hand how hard it is.
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I had an elderly girl that did that as well. Her issue was senility. and I am sure that is why the previous owner dumped her in the parking lot! It was an easy fix, I simply put a litter box where she was going! I did not have her long but she was so lovely and really impacted both of our lives greatly. I still get angry when I think about the person that dumped her! She was completely deaf and had 2 teeth in her mouth! she was a less than four and a half pound Blue Point Siamese. Who does that to a senior of any species?!
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On 6/8/2014 lolakimono said:

Go here and start a new thread:

Thank Lolakimono. You got up the link before I could.
Super Contributor
Posts: 394
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Thank you all! I may just have to put that litter box in the living room (gasp!)

I think the same of our elderly pets as I do toward elderly people; we may not be there yet but some day, God willing, and how would we want to be treated?