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About a minute and a half of giggles{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}


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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

We haven't had a tree, other than a small table top, in years because of the cats!

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

On 12/21/2014 autumnfaire said:

We haven't had a tree, other than a small table top, in years because of the cats!

Oh I know. My current Kitty is a "bush dweller" so she doesn't climb much, but she loves to lay under it and play with the packages{#emotions_dlg.wub}

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

The Fuzz a/k/a Kitty........just loves to play with the pull chains on my Tiffany I have to keep them tied to the lamps..............uh huh, and NO tree.

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

Well, I can't NOT have a tree with three kids @ home, but with two's an adventure. They love to sit in it! They love to play with the candy canes! They love to sit under it, and dream about living outside-lol!

It's a challenge with cats, but is quite comical. All I hear, wherever I am in the house, is jingling of the ornaments dropping!

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

the cat will forever win. they know that tree is for them. lol

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Hillel
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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree


Bette, Thanks for the link and post about the video. It's so funny. I learned to put unbreakable ornaments on the bottoms "tiers" of the Christmas trees. Most of the time the cats left the tree alone, but now and then, tempation won out. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Posts: 42
Registered: ‎06-24-2010

Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

Thanks for sharing, betteb. I currently have a 'dog house' with four permanent residents and a revolving cast of fosters. I do love cats and sometimes have a brief mental lapse when I thing it would be a good idea to adopt one or two....or none! Anyway, this video is just so real I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Merry Christmas to all.

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

Shatterproof ornaments only in this cat house! Back in 2010 my two cats toppled the tree over and one was trapped underneath - very scary. We securely tie the tree to the baseboard and wall now...

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

Very cute video! My two cats are going to be 5. Their first Christmas with us was what I saw on the video! I actually had to get rid of the artificial tree we had then. My two sweet darlings bent all the branches down from climbing! Had to buy a whole new tree! My kitties have mellowed a bit but still knocked over my tabletop tree I have displayed in our living room! Wisenheimers!

"Pure Michigan"