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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

My 17 pound cat can easily knock down a fake tree, that's why I have to tie it to a room divider.
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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

JUST FOR COMPULSIVE MUSICIANS- I had the music turned off when I watched this, and about half way through, I realized that it HAD to be the Trepak, and darned if I wasn't right. No other music would be as perfect! ALSO- how the heck did they get into my house to film Bad Buddie in his first encounter with our tree?
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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

I had feeling this might bring out some stories about Cat-masas past from those of us that are owned by cats

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

The first thing I do each morning is reassemble our tree. Our cats love to chase each other under the tree skirt, and our little guy loves to remove ornaments. When our older cat was a kitten, he would jump up into the tree, climb it, and pull down strings of lights. That was the year we took down our tree the day after Christmas!

I now look at our tree through the eyes of our cats. It has lots of sparkly, dangly 11-foot playground in their very own home! I've accepted their love of our tree and have somewhat embraced it. They are enjoying the magic of Christmas in their own way!

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

My cat has never climbed up the tree so I never realized this was such a issue. Wow, my cat is also a grazer at the bottom of the tree so I'm lucky.

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

LOL and thanks, BB. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

"Cat-mases", heh. 8-)

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

On 12/21/2014 Desertdi said:

The Fuzz a/k/a Kitty........just loves to play with the pull chains on my Tiffany I have to keep them tied to the lamps..............uh huh, and NO tree.


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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

Oh, that is soooo funny!

And I am currently living it!!LOL

We have a new kitten- Callie- she is such a bundle of joy!! And she is LOVING the Christmas tree.

I had a feeling she was going to LOVE it (VERY active 5 month old LOL) so we secured it to the door behind it and placed nothing breakable on it. Our sweet Callie has been living in it. The tree is constantly shaking, and she bring new ornaments down hourly- but honestly it is just so comical and entertaining for us!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

On 12/23/2014 SJanielovesJim said:

Oh, that is soooo funny!

And I am currently living it!!LOL

We have a new kitten- Callie- she is such a bundle of joy!! And she is LOVING the Christmas tree.

I had a feeling she was going to LOVE it (VERY active 5 month old LOL) so we secured it to the door behind it and placed nothing breakable on it. Our sweet Callie has been living in it. The tree is constantly shaking, and she bring new ornaments down hourly- but honestly it is just so comical and entertaining for us!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

She sounds like a totally adorable pistol, Janie, and must bring you much comedy and LOL laughs on a daily basis!

So funny to hear of her intense passion for your tree, and probably just about everything else, LOL. She is a kitten after all. Smiley Wink

But smart parents like you prepped beforehand so she doesn't do too much damage, and it also keeps her much safer.

Great story LOL, Happy Healthy Holidays, and forehead kisses to Callie. 8)

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Re: O/T Cat vs Christmas Tree

On 12/21/2014 autumnfaire said:

We haven't had a tree, other than a small table top, in years because of the cats!

LOL. Same here.