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O/T. Breast reduction surgery

Anyone here have breast reduction surgery? Pain? Recovery? Cost? Anything? Curious.
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Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

Someone I worked with had it done a few years ago. Her insurance covered the cost because she had some serious back issues ($6-7K as I recall). She had some complications (infection) so she didn't come back to work for 6 weeks and she said it was more painful than she expected. However, she always said she was very glad she had it done.

WebMd web site has some info on what to expect, side effects, etc.

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Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

I read WebMD,but like to hear personal experiences as well. Thanks for the info. Someone else told me it was painful. Appreciate your willingness to help answer my questions.
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Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

my friend at work had it done years ago, and she is still thrilled that she did it.

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Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

I had the procedure 4 years ago. It was approved and covered by insurance, except for a few hospital costs. The pain is quite bearable, and is mostly due to extreme swelling that diminishes in 1 - 2 weeks. A great source for information and pictures is a website, Breast Health Online. If I knew that insurance would cover it, I would have done it a long time ago. I just turned 68.

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Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

I had the surgery about 10 years ago and am so glad I did! My surgeon was able to get the surgery covered by insurance. I spent one night in the hospital, and I felt like recovery was a breeze. I used pain meds the first few nights so I could sleep. I did sleep on the couch for a week or two so that I wouldn't roll onto surgical area. I took two weeks off. I don't know anyone who has regretted having this surgery.
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎08-24-2013

Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

I had it done almost a year ago now. The worst part were the drain tubes, I had to have for the 1st week...but I would have it done again in a heart beat.
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Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

I had a friend at work have it done. Insurance covered it. The docs biopsy the tissue. They found breast cancer in her milk ducts. As early as they caught it, it was at a stage zero. They said as large as her breast were, it could have been much farther advanced when they would have been able to find a lump. She then had a double mastectomy and reconstruction. Insurance covered that as well. She was only down for around a week with the reduction, summer break, but about 4 with the mastectomy.

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎05-18-2014

Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

I had it done about 8 years ago and a day does not go by that I'm thrilled I had it done. I can move better, feel better, and certainly look better. But my reason was not cosmetic, but shoulder and back pain. My doctor assured me I qualified for medical coverage because of my problems, and my insurance did cover it. There was no pain for me, a good surgeon sees you have the right pain medication. Recovery took four weeks of keeping the sutures covered with antiseptic ointment and wet gauze bandages, the better to keep visible scarring to a minimum. It's a bit of a bother, but my surgeon was thrilled with the results, as was I. I wish I had done it years earlier. Good luck!

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: O/T. Breast reduction surgery

Wow and thanks. I am encouraged by what I'm reading. I may schedule a consultation. Anyone else care to share?