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Hi! I thinking about purchasing the NuFace. What are your thoughts. Also, how long do the results last, i.e., a few hours, a day, a few days, etc? Thanks so much and have a wonderful day. 🥰
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@jettaforce   Read some of the comments here on the boards.  I believe there was a thread yesterday or the day before.  Most comments were "nay". 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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What do you do with all the info you gather?  Does it pay well;?    Just curious.


Thanks so much and have a wonderful day!

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@jettaforce It is my understanding from reading many threads on this over the years, that the product DOES work if you use it consistently, not sporadically. I believe you are encouraged to use it at least five days a week; I could be wrong on that.


It is also my understanding that the way it works is to tighten/strengthen the muscles of your face, much like you would do if you were exercising any other part of your body. So, the more you use it, the better your muscle tone is in the face and neck. That makes sense to me if you look at it that way. 


If you use it several days a week and see results, but stop (like you might on an exercise program), then the facial muscles would go back to where they were.


They show a chart of how the muscles look. That was an eyeopener for me, and I finally "got" what they were trying to explain. And it explains why they direct you to move the device in a certain direction.


Many people say they have been consistent with using it and are very happy with the results. 


As to how long the results last, I again go back to the exercising of other body parts, in that they probably last as long as you are using the product. 


Perhaps it is like brushing teeth....a habit that brings you results as long as you do it consistently.

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It's a long-term commitment which I'm not willing to make. Nay for me.

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Re: NuFace Yay or Nay????

[ Edited ]

NAY!   Used it faithfully for a long time but saw no results whatsoever,  

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Registered: ‎07-31-2010

I used it Consistently for a year and saw NO results. The biggest waste of $250 I ever spent! NAY