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Posts: 191
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Does anyone remember getting a email from Nordstrom in November if you spent 250.00 and didn't return anything back you would get a 50 gift card or something like that?? I did spend that much and didn't return any of it. I was thinking the gift card would come in January. I know I didn't dream it!!

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Posts: 16,369
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Happy54Wow!  There were years when I would have loved an offer like that.  But, no, I did not receive that email; however, I haven't been s[pending much there for a few years and no longer carry their credit card,so they don't contact me at all.


When I did shop a lot, I kept cards from the sales associates.  If you do, call one of your favorites and ask.