Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎12-08-2010

I should have known when they said the conditioner was the only product you will every need ...I should never have purchased this. I really resent spending the money and time only to find out I need to buy another 3 products to have my hair look like it does on TV. Also, my hair has never been so fly away and limp. The time it takes, the cost, and the other products you really need to get results make this one of the big rip-offs on QVC. not to mention handling charges. And really, who wants to sleep in a towel overnight!If your hair is in that bad of shape to need to spend hours and hundreds of dollars I suggest you get to a professional and get yourself a good haircut and blow dryer. I now watch QVC with the mute button pressed because I can't take the host's fawning all over whatever person is on selling their newest miracle cure. This turned me off!