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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

New Charcoal Products from Suzanne's TTV

Has anyone gotten their TTV from shop yet? Have you had time to check out the 2 new charcoal products? What do you think? Mine is just Out for Delivery this morning and I cant wait, he usually comes right around 10:00 am.

Sitting here patiently ready to dive into the mask! I love Mondays, they are MY day to organize for the week, do whatever I want without schedule, I dont even answer the phone on Mondays unless you have a special ring tone. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Let us know what you think when you get yours please, your thoughts...

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Posts: 1,008
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: New Charcoal Products from Suzanne's TTV

I tried the scrub last night and it seemed to do a really good exfoliation. My skin felt really clean and soft afterwards. I did not have any irritation but I do have rather oily skin and I don't usually have any skin sensitivities so product was definitely not too strong for me.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 546
Registered: ‎08-15-2010

Re: New Charcoal Products from Suzanne's TTV

I LOVE the new products! I have tried many skin care lines and I now have settled on Suzanne Somers Organics. I use all her products and now just ordered her shampoo and body care. The charcoal products are great for exfoliation and my skin looks fabulous at 66 and soft and hydrated. I am so happy!

I also will admit that I use some SKINN products in an occasional alternating method. However, I am on a 30 day SS non toxic plan.