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NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

HSN is having a TS and is allowing a 60 day return policy. Does anyone have any experience with it?
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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

I've tried it and would say, just say NoNo to the NoNo because it NoNo remove hair. I watched the video and just could not get it to work. Plus it smells terrible, strong burned hair smell.

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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

I looked at the reviews at amazon for the 8800 (horrible reviews), they have a pro3 (HSN special) and a pro5 but not any reviews on those models yet. Think I will wait and see if the new and improved really works. If it does, sure HSN will have another special in a few months for sure. Even the model 8800 at hsn (item 131-912) only 2.2 stars out of 200+ reviews.

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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

I love my No No. I think the bad reviews were from those not taking the time to use it regularly and properly. I have both models and both are great. It often takes more than 4 passes to remove hair but the buffing will remove the weakened hair and the roots will still be treated. You may even have to shave at first if all are not removed. When I first started to use it, I used it faithfully 2 or 3 times a week then after 3 months it malfunctioned and I had to send it back for a replacement which did take 2 months (my only complaint). At that point my leg hair was only showing about once every 3 weeks or so which is far better than shaving at least 3 times a week and the hair is very fine and hardly noticeable. I hadn't used it on my face yet though. When I got the replacement I was rather lax for about 6 months but I did notice the time between hair growth was a month or more now. For my facial hair it took a little longer and that was probably due to the curves in my face but now after about 8 months of fairly regular use, it hardly grows much. I never noticed a strong burning hair smell - it is slight and isn't significant. Now most of my leg hairs are not growing back and the only place they are are on my knees, backs of my lower thighs and inner upper thighs and that is only about every month and they are the courser hairs.

I would say that if you want a miracle to happen overnight then it is not for you but if you are willing to read the instructions and use it regularly at least at first then you probably will not be disappointed.

For me it was well worth the effort.

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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

Thanks guys! I guess I too will wait to see reviews on the upgraded models HSN seems to have a special every couple of months. Does this run on batteries? Rechargeable? They never quite mention that,
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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

Thanks for the information, Pook! What powers these units??
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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

The model I have is rechargeable. I've had it for several years and use it regularly. The battery lasts forever without having to be recharged. I think it works well on fine hairs but have not had much luck with the coarser hairs…I am not sure I would recommend it to you because quite frankly I am not overly impressed with the results.

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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

I'm getting it. I don't care that a lot of people aren't happy with it -- because a lot ARE! I owe it to myself to give it a shot to see if I can be one of the happy ones. If not, I'll send it back. Easy. :-)

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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

I ordered one. I had been watching the presentations for the last year and finally am just going to try it. I have real fine blonde hair and some of the laser products don't work for me. They offer a 60 day return on this model so hopefully that will be enough time to get a good feel for whether or not it's going to make a difference.

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Re: NO-NO hair removal. I am tempted!

They had the Pro 3 back in December. Just like the 8800, the reviews only averaged about 2 stars.

I used the 8800 for over 6 months, consistently and properly. I had no results whatsoever.

A study done at Vanderbilt University Medical Center concluded that the NoNo was no better than shaving.