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Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

I was in Macys this morning and got to try this. I found it kind of strong, and didn't get a sense of the ocean or it being beachy. I won't be purchasing it. Last season I liked a perfume from Philosophy that was either Summer Grace or Sunshine Grace. It was the newer one which I think is Sunshine Grace and will purchase it again.

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Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

On 3/28/2015 jordan2 said:

I was in Macys this morning and got to try this. I found it kind of strong, and didn't get a sense of the ocean or it being beachy. I won't be purchasing it. Last season I liked a perfume from Philosophy that was either Summer Grace or Sunshine Grace. It was the newer one which I think is Sunshine Grace and will purchase it again.

You are right on about Sea of Love being on the strong side for a philosophy fragrance. That was my impression as well. I did pick up the hint of beach but my thought was that you'd need to spray very lightly not to be overwhelmed. The reason I began using Amazing Grace years ago was because of the light touch. Those who feel the Graces don't last might like this one.

I really want to try Summer and Sunshine Grace.

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Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

I bought this, thanks to the enabling here! LOL!{#emotions_dlg.biggrin} It is a great scent, light, refreshing. I swear I smell lily of the field as an end note. It fades, and I just can smell it on my skin.

I myself prefer the perfume to the lotion. The perfume is a tad "cleaner" to me. The lotion a bit more floral. But it is great.

I do have a severe problem with the lotion product dispenser. It is a squeeze bottle. However, the plastic on the bottle is so thick I have trouble squeezing the lotion out! And it is full! IDK what I will do when the lotion bottle is half full. I would never buy this again, or any lotion dispensed like this without a pump! This bottle is not for anyone who has arthritis, or trouble with strength in the hands. Actually, it was hard for my GD, and she is a vibrant, healthy, strong 25 yr old.


I am a BB Beach fanatic. I have in the past used Amazing grace lotion and loved it. However, the last time I bought AG lotion, it seemed it didn't last very long. But AG is an amazing fragrance. I this Sea of Love is NOT like AG. Just my opinion.

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Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

I FINALLY got to smell this. I haven't seen it anywhere. My opinion of it is that it's a LOT like Sunshine Grace with a touch of Lily to it. I like it and find it very pleasant, but I already have two bottles of Sunshine Grace. However I'd definitely recommend it.

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Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

It's been awhile but I finally got to try this. I love it!!

It's a nice, breezy summer scent. It sort of reminds me of Sunshine Grace, which I have and love, but it's also different. It also has good staying power - sprayed some last night and I can still smell a little of it this morning.

I tried spraying Sea of Love and Sunshine Grace together and I really like the two of them together too!


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Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

Discovered Philosophy years ago at Nordstrom when the huge Tyson' s Corner Mall in Virginia first opened (early 90's) and have stayed a fan until recently. There's nothing new it seems, except for Coty (hate what they've done to the brand!), debuting way too many new scents, too often, and they are often reminiscent, in a cheap imitation kind of way, of other Philosophy fragrances, some discontinued. What happened to the buzz the brand used to create and the anticipation of something "New" because it was something that had been in the works and was different from what was already in the line? We would get new fragrances that we were excited to try, because they were introduced as special, not these "flavor-of-the-month" deals that are nothing special or unique. I still love my Pure Grace, even though I am convinced it's been changed, and most likely formulated using cheaper materials, and no, I'm not "nose blind." For the first time in over 10 years I no longer have Philosophy shower gels, etc., on auto-delivery because I believe the quality has been compromised. I'll be watching closely, like others, and hope that Coty puts some love & care back into the formulation of their products, and stops inundating us with too many sub-par newer items. Bring back the "Wow," Philosophy! It's missing. Yes, your super sizes are great values, but if the quality is diminished, it doesn't matter.
Posts: 25
Registered: ‎07-04-2010

Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

I really love sea of love. I think most people that like florals and sunshine grace will love this one too. It is stronger than amazing grace so if perfume tends to give you a headache then it might be best to skip this one. But if you want more staying power and love florals then I would say give this a try. I would love to have some shower gel in this fragrance!

Posts: 59
Registered: ‎04-08-2010

Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

I went to Ulta to test it and didn't like it. Didn't smell beachy at all. Not really sure what to compare it to. I did order sunshine grace since they didn't have a sample and I love most graces and FIL summer.

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Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

For those reviewing the Sea of Love being strong, too strong that is exactly what Philosophy customers have been asking for. Scents don't last is what I have read again and again. This is the new Philosophy by customer request. I will be using the core scents, and hope they don't make them stronger.
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Re: NEW fragrance ~~~~ Sea of Love~~~~

I'm glad for those of you who liked it....I went to Ulta and asked a saleslady about it. After looking around for a few minutes, we finally found it. I smelled it, and then she did...we both coughed instantly after smelling it. It did not remind me of a "beachy" scent at all. In fact, it was quite the floral scent. I will admit that I can only do more "clean" scents; I cannot tolerate floral scents. The saleslady said it was nothing like what she would have thought it would be; I agree. When we were searching, we were talking...maybe it would have a coconut scent or a tropical fruit or even a suntan lotion-type scent...none of those...just smelled very heavy and floral-y!!