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My nails are finally in good shape


Harmonize the World
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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

Still using Hard as Hoofs nail cream which I believe has helped strengthen my nails. Various base and top coats. I do like Hard Rock clear coat by Deborah Lippman. Makes my nails really strong. Pictured is Zoya Naked Manicure that I picked up today in Ulta. Love the super sheer pinks-barely there. 

Harmonize the World
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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

Seche Vite top coat made my nails strong and they stopped peeling. After using the first bottle, it made my nails too hard so I have to switch up between it and my other favorite top coats, Out the Door and OPI Rapid Dry. It worked perfectly keeping my nails strong.


Zoya has beautiful colors and I used to find it frequently in the clearance section of Ulta.


I used to post in the nail thread a few years back but I had some major life events happen and have been MIA.


Love those colors you chose. They are some of my favorites. 

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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

@fairydogmother wrote:




Absolutely *beautiful* nails, on a beautiful hand!

Congrats for finding your "secret formula!"  Woman Happy

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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

@fairydogmother - They look perfect! I love the color too! You tried different things until you find the perfect way.






 I'm lucky. My nails are plenty strong and they grow easily. BUT  -  they have white spots from using dark colors, even though I use a base coat. I need to figure out how to get rid of those. I'm afraid to use anything across the front of my nail. So I just put more coats on.  Smiley Frustrated

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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

The only white spots I've ever heard of is leukonychia caused by nail trauma or health issues. I've done my own mani/pedis for years and read blogs, joined forums, but never heard of that.


Even with a top coat dark nail polish will stain nails, but that easily taken care of with a sanding block. I get mine at Sally Beauty Supply

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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

@beach-mom  I'm with @SnowOwl79 , as far as I know, white spots are typically due to either a medical condition or damge to the nail The damage could be from something like too much force applied scraping off a stubborn piece of gel or acrylic. In otherwords something that seems very minor.


Staining seems to be a somewhat individual thing. I know a lot of people have issues with some pigment(s) in the teal family. For me, it's a pigment in the pink/red family. Can I say STAINED. Most of the time I just go over my nails with acetone an additional time or two.. A couple of times when it was really, really bad, I used some Blue Cross cuticle remover on a cotton swab to get off the most neon part it. Be sure and wash your hands well as you're using a product that basically is eating away at your skin/nails.


Not all base coats are created equal as far as preventing staining is concerned. Plus each of us has slightly different nails. It's probably worth trying different brands of base coat and/or an extra layer or two of base coat when using a polish that you think is a "stainer"


Be very careful with buffing. Remember that what you're buffing off is layers of nail that will never regrow on that portion of the nail.

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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

@SnowOwl79  I remember you. Nice to see you around again.

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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

@fairydogmother Your nails look lovely and the color choice is perfect....I also like nudes and barely there colors.  Zoya is cruelty free, 5 free,  and I love their colors...a winning combination.  Thanks for the share

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Re: My nails are finally in good shape

[ Edited ]



Nice cat tree in the background!   Cat Very Happy


Pretty nails, too.  Woman LOL