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@ByrdieK wrote:

I always wanted one of the swing out makeup mirrors but I have a small cabinet beside the big mirror so no place to mount it. I did get a lighted mirror that suction cups to the vanity mirror and have liked it. The suction cup is great, has never fallen off. And I can articulate the mirror to the angle I want. It wasn't expensive on Amazon and worth a try. 


As far as things on the counter, I have most of my daily stuff out too. No one goes in my bathroom so it doesn't have to be a showpiece. I just want things where I need them. I store backups in bins in my closet. Yours looks organized for your needs and that is all that counts! 

@ByrdieK Thanks, the suction cup mirror I had also articulated.  You had to twist the base to get the suction cup to stick and then twist it couterclockwise to remove it.  Theoretically, it should've worked since I was sticking it to a mirror which is a totally flat, non-porous surface.  Oh well.  Even the little one you can see in the picture falls off about once a month or two.  I wet the suction cup to make it stick better too.  Luckily, there's a rug there so it doesn't break.  


I currently have a larger lighted mirror that is flat with suction cups in my Amazon wish list I'm thinkng of trying.  But, I also don't want to hurt my husband's feelings since I asked for the pedestal one.  I wonder if there's such a thing as a fold-up stool.  That might work.  Maybe I could find somewhere to store it out of the way.  


I'm like you, nobody but me and DH see our bathroom.  

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Have you ever seen a fold up kitchen stool/chair? My mother-in-law had one. It was old school. I don't think I've seen them in recent years.  The seat was rather tall, it had a back and one or two steps or foot rests. I can see my mother-in-law sitting on it in front of the stove stirring gravy for Sunday's pot roast dinner. 

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@monicakm No, I have not.  I wouldn't want it to be so tall that I'm almost standing, but I also wouldn't want just a fold-up chair that's a normal chair height since I think that would be too short.  It would need to fold up pretty flat though.  I think that's the only way I could find a way to store it.  

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@Icegoddess this is available at WalmarI dot com, maybe at store itself. ts metal with rubber feet. Not sure of comfort but for less than $17, worth trying to see if you even like using a stool. I google searched folding stool and this came up



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Posts: 12,910
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

@LizzieInSRQ Thanks! I'll check into it.  


As far as liking a stool?  No, I know I don't really like them  We have to use them while we're on the platform at church and they can be terribly uncomfortable.  If time permits, I usually just go sit in a pew until the Prelude starts so I don't have to sit on the stool,  It exacerbates my sciatic nerve.  But, this one is shorter, so maybe it wouldn't be as problematic.