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What else shall I do on this Saturday morning in addition to laundry?  Clean my make-up brushes!  From the wise words of Irene Cara..."what a feeling"!


I've started using the Beauty Blender soap solid.  It does a phenomenal job on my brushes!  I haven't even tried it with my sponges.





Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes

Good job! 

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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes

It always feel good to have newly cleaned brushes, doesn't it? Your collection loooks very similar to mine

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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes

Thanks @JudyL!  My husband isn't home today, so the timing was perfect.  Since I've been investing in BK Beauty brushes, I want to be better about cleaning them.  I still have a few non-BK Beauty brushes, but the plan is to replace them with BK Beauty.  I've got some Angie Hot & Flashy eye brushes in my cart.  They are supposed to be for the "mature eye". I may get them before the weekend is over.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes


Most of them in this picture are BK Beauty, Nikki LaRose & Angie Hot & Flashy.  There are a few IT brushes there, but I've been replacing most of them with BK Beauty.  I have two Arbonne (not sure if that company is still around) eye shadow brushes that I have had since the early 90's & they are still going strong.  I'll never get rid of those two.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes

What a nice collection @SurferWife. I have 2 makeup brushes & I clean them after every use with my facial cleanser. I like using a flat top brush, no sponges.

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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes

I think I said this already. I dipped mine up and down in baby shampoo and warm water,rinsed well and dry standing up. They are fine.

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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes

@SurferWife wrote:

Thanks @JudyL!  My husband isn't home today, so the timing was perfect.  Since I've been investing in BK Beauty brushes, I want to be better about cleaning them.  I still have a few non-BK Beauty brushes, but the plan is to replace them with BK Beauty.  I've got some Angie Hot & Flashy eye brushes in my cart.  They are supposed to be for the "mature eye". I may get them before the weekend is over.

@SurferWife  - the Angie Hot & Flashy eye brushes are great!  Especially if you have mature, hooded or slightly hooded eyes.  I love mine and the brush head size is perfect for my hooded lids.  

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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes

I have two more BK beauty brushes to get. The Nikki concealer and the multi tasker. I have been using a spray cleaner in between washes with Dr bronners soap. I have been thinking about getting the Beekman lilac soap to clean them. I think it would be fun for the brushes to smell like lilacs.
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Re: My Clean Make-up Brushes


Thanks!  I like to use the Philosphy make-up wipes after each use to keep them pretty clean in between uses, but try to wash them once a month.  Since I don't wear make-up every day anymore, I don't feel the need to wash them weekly, especially since I give them a good wipe-down after each use.


I rarely use sponges anymore since I have a good set of brushes that out-perform sponges.  I do like a flat top brush, too. I have one from IT, but need to buy a new one.  I plan to buy the BK Beauty #106 brush soon.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.