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My calista perfecter has quit working after a year and three months! It flashes an E. I contacted the company and they confirmed it no longer works. I really like the way it smooths my frizzy hair, however this is my third one that has quit! I have a shoulder length bob so I am not overusing it. Does anyone know of another brand that works the same ? Does anyone know of a today special value of one coming up before the holidays? I cringe to spend $ 109.00 on their website to replace. Thank you in advance!

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!

I'm a big fan of the Perfectors but have had to purchase 3 since they came out. I haven't found anything that compares so will keep replacing them. When one died earlier this year, they only offered the oval barrel, which I got but don't like. As soon as I saw them offered again, I jumped at the chance. I don't like the $109 price and still think they need to come up with a way to clean the barrel without using a Q-tip to rid it of products (Calista's suggestion.) I need it to smoothe out my frizz that's getting worse as my hair gets grayer and would definitely be interested in something that's easier to keep clean but will "settle" for the Perfector until I find something better. I shampoo every day so it gets a workout.

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!

Not sure if they have the model you want, but there are refurbished Calista tools for around $50 on the website.  The description says they have the same warranty as a brand new tool.

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!

check her website. i bought a refurbished one, for half the price. works fine.

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!

I got something similar on Amz
or you could try eBay

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!


@honeybeagle wrote:

My calista perfecter has quit working after a year and three months! It flashes an E. I contacted the company and they confirmed it no longer works. I really like the way it smooths my frizzy hair, however this is my third one that has quit! I have a shoulder length bob so I am not overusing it. Does anyone know of another brand that works the same ? Does anyone know of a today special value of one coming up before the holidays? I cringe to spend $ 109.00 on their website to replace. Thank you in advance!

@honeybeagle   (AWH, such a cute beagles and have had at least one all my life) so your name caught my attention. I've never had a Perfector, but purchased the Revlon one from Amazon and no issues for several years.

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!

There are similar tools on Amazon.  

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!

I have yet to have a Calista tool, including the Waver, make it over a year. You can search for a dupe on Google or A----. She's got a quality control issue.

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!

Over the years I've bought at least 4 Calista tools, all were defective or did not perform as promised and were returned. I also have one that I did not return-but only because I was a day too late.

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Re: My Calista Perfecter died!

Goodness, I bought the original with the changeable barrels and it is still going strong.  Works beautifully and I use it often as there is nothing that compares to it for my hair.  Sorry others have had problems, but mine is durable.

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