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@Andreatoo wrote:

I find it humorous that on an argan OIL product thread someone adamantly states 'no vegetable oil!'


Does the fruit OIL designation make a difference??


As for the fragrance she addressed that in the presentation; apparently the ozone or the oxygen process is stinky...but lets not forget that Skinn (like so many others touted on this board) is loaded with fragrance! It makes no difference, to your skin, whether the fragrance is naturally or synthetically derived

I don't use Skinn.  I've never tried it.  I won't use anything that has added fragrance to it because it never works well with my skin.


I don't think people are understanding about the oils.  One can google vegetable oil in skincare and several articles will come up with the benefits and the various types of oils. 

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Some of the veg oil used said it was hydrogenated, my thoughts were if this can clog our arteries, what can it do to our pores?

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@Shelbelle wrote:

Some of the veg oil used said it was hydrogenated, my thoughts were if this can clog our arteries, what can it do to our pores?

@Shelbelle, while that may sound intuitive, it's a very different situation.


Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil itself doesn't clog your arteries. What is does is increase the bad cholesterol (LDL), which can build up in your arteries and make them hard; plus, it lowers the good cholesterol (HDL), which picks up cholesterol and takes it back to your liver.


Hydrogenated oil may or may not be comedogenic (pore-clogging). I think I might have seen it rated as moderately comedogenic, but I won't swear to it. 



~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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I like Morgen, but her skin looked pretty greasy when I watched the Evine presentations on the Evine app. Ozonated argan oil..yeah ok, whatever.

Posts: 53
Registered: ‎06-17-2010

I bought into the "oxygen" / "it will sink deeper into your skin" routine and purchased the argan oil for the face and neck.  You know - the one with the "gold" flakes.  I am an avid argan oil user (Josie or others) so I thought I'd try it.  Got it home the other day and tried it 2x.  I don't know what caused my reaction of itchy skin but I returned it right away.  I'm very sensitive and should have realized that with the additives in it, including fragrance, that I would react.  I think I'll stick with Josie but have also found a great website with wonderful affordable prices for essential oils: 


Very informative site and their prices are very reasonable. 

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I got the TTV and really like it ! It absorbs into the skin and my skin feels so hydrated. There is a smell, but it doesn't bother me. I put some other good smelling body butter over it if I want and I can't smell it at all. 

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Ohmygoodness I have been trying for a week now to decide whether to order the trio of Argon oils from this line or go to Sephora and just buy some JM. The reviews on Evine for the TTV are 3.9 mixed and the reviews on this board are mixed. Any thoughts/ suggestions? TiA!
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@Chisos I think the scent bothers some people, and if you have sensitive skin, you might have a reaction, but its really amazing how it does moisturize without feeling oily ! I think the trio looks like a good test. I really liked the way the bronzing oil looked. 

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

It is obvious she has had botox and laser resurfacing done.  I do not care what she says.

She is a lovely woman, always has been. I just dislike when a vendor has work done and want you to believe that their product is all that they use to obtain their skin.  

It is? I certainly couldn't tell and I do that for a living. I can tell when someone has too much botox but I watched her show and her face was moving just fine. I just think it is odd that I work with derms and plastic surgeons who wouldn't be able to tell with certainty if someone had laser resurfacing but you can tell no problem.


Also so what if she has? Those are entirely two different issues. Skin care can only do so much. Botox is used to paralyze muscles with botulism so repeated motions do not lead to wrinkles and creases, there is no skin care product that can do that. If she does get botox it certainly isn't overdone at all because her face showed expression with no problem. Laser resurfacing also addresses issues that skin care can't and produces collagen no skin care product could at that level. 


I certainly can understand a person not liking being told that skin care is the reason their skin is so good when they have had help but I am sorry there is no way on earth you can know for certain if she has had help and it is pretty ridiculous to even speculate on since you cannot know. You say it is obvious and actually it isn't obvious at all.

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I have been using active argan since Feb. 2016.  I started with the 24k oil, and went back for more, there was a special in between that time, with the eye cream and neck and about a game changer... I too was very leary about some of the ingredients, but I can not explain how my hormonal, menopausal skin has changed,  my skin did a hundred degree turn around.  I tried skinn, clinique, ssc, club a, lancome, perricone, used all of them over the past 15 to 20 yrs and guess what...I just ordered another today special value from the line.  My isomers is being thrown out, skinn collagenises and those youth capsules have not been touched since using active argan, I have alot of sun damage to my skin, and I am looking younger and younger, even was carded last week and I am 53 yrs old and a smoker.  I just could not believe how my blown out pores is looking so much more refined,  I have that ugly skin, combination hard to deal with and this is the first product that is smoothing everything out, my neck looks amazing now, my dry cracked heels have healed and I used that stupid battery operated callous remover machine daily, but the oil sunk right in, and healed my heels.  My hubby says my skin looks like it is glowing, not greasy.  I'm sold and I do not trust all these experts with their claims of this being good and this not....they have alot of bs with them.....I spend hours researching, experimenting and the docs can not find one thing wrong with me and skin docs never did any good either.