I have been using active argan since Feb. 2016. I started with the 24k oil, and went back for more, there was a special in between that time, with the eye cream and neck and dec....talk about a game changer... I too was very leary about some of the ingredients, but I can not explain how my hormonal, menopausal skin has changed, my skin did a hundred degree turn around. I tried skinn, clinique, ssc, club a, lancome, perricone, used all of them over the past 15 to 20 yrs and guess what...I just ordered another today special value from the line. My isomers is being thrown out, skinn collagenises and those youth capsules have not been touched since using active argan, I have alot of sun damage to my skin, and I am looking younger and younger, even was carded last week and I am 53 yrs old and a smoker. I just could not believe how my blown out pores is looking so much more refined, I have that ugly skin, combination hard to deal with and this is the first product that is smoothing everything out, my neck looks amazing now, my dry cracked heels have healed and I used that stupid battery operated callous remover machine daily, but the oil sunk right in, and healed my heels. My hubby says my skin looks like it is glowing, not greasy. I'm sold and I do not trust all these experts with their claims of this being good and this not....they have alot of bs with them.....I spend hours researching, experimenting and the docs can not find one thing wrong with me and skin docs never did any good either.