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Dh has asked me to order him a haircutting kit. Does anyone have any recommendations? He does not have a lot of hair, its not thick by any means, if that helps.


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I just bought DS a Wahl lithium ion trimmer this week at Target. Was $39. Did the pickup thing, didn't go in the store.


Made in the USA, it has about 12 hair guides. Also does beards, cleanups, etc. He wanted to cut his own hair in Pandemic Fade 🤤


Yeah I know, don't ask😉


He used a #4 and a #2 guide.


Model 9854-2401

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Thank you so much, @Snowpuppy. Headed to Target site now, hopefully they ship b/c I don't have one near me. 

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@happycat wrote:

Thank you so much, @Snowpuppy. Headed to Target site now, hopefully they ship b/c I don't have one near me. 

DS also looked at Wahl's website because Target's description didn't include the # of guides. I think it was a bit cheaper in Wahl's website but I don't know about shipping $$


He's happy with it. Seems quite powerful.

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Well, I couldn't find it on Targets website. I think they may have been sold out, but I found one at Bed, Bath and Beyond and he should have it in a week or so. It was 39.99 too, and I got free shipping. 

I do appreciate the recommendation. I had no idea what to get for him. Makes me feel good that your son likes his Smiley Happy

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My husband made me cut his hair yesterday. He had one of those gizmos. He's pretty bald on top. I did it. I was scared. He's happy. I hope I don't have to do it again. 

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@evelyner wrote:

My husband made me cut his hair yesterday. He had one of those gizmos. He's pretty bald on top. I did it. I was scared. He's happy. I hope I don't have to do it again. 


@evelyner   Funny. I did DH's, too. He had a trimmer where you dial the blade to cut it to various lengths. When he got to the office, his associate said it was the best haircut he's had in years and I should cut it all the time. No thank you.