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Meghan, short haired product rep....

She just presented the microfiber towels by Campanelli and she removed her makeup on one cheek and Wow, she has beautiful skin. She doesn't look like she has anything to cover! I really like her and enjoy her when she's on. Her skin though is marvelous! 

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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

I really wish she would become a host. I enjoy her info and presentations

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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

She's very pretty and I like her hairstyle.  She is enjoyable and fun to watch.

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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

I use one of those microfiber towels every day to remove the cleanser after I use my Clarisonic.  They do a nice exfoliation. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

@makena wrote:

She's very pretty and I like her hairstyle.  She is enjoyable and fun to watch.

I agree! Love her hair, too!

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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

Excellent towels...cleanse without irritation.
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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

Meghan is an excellent product rep.  The Q has several who are exceptional.  You've got to assume they just want part-time or daytime work or they be considered for hosts. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

@wvumountiefan wrote:

She just presented the microfiber towels by Campanelli and she removed her makeup on one cheek and Wow, she has beautiful skin. She doesn't look like she has anything to cover! I really like her and enjoy her when she's on. Her skin though is marvelous! 



I thought the same thing.  I was waiting to see what she was hiding and it was nothing but perfect skin.

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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

@Kachina624 wrote:

I use one of those microfiber towels every day to remove the cleanser after I use my Clarisonic.  They do a nice exfoliation. 


I use my Campanelli towels after I've emulsified my tinted sunscreen using an oil cleanser.  I was using just the towels with warm water but I felt I had to scrub to get off that stubborn sunscreen. Now it comes off much easier using the oil cleanser first, after which I wash my face using my Clarisonic and a goat milk soap. Smiley Happy

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Re: Meghan, short haired product rep....

@wvumountiefan wrote:

She just presented the microfiber towels by Campanelli and she removed her makeup on one cheek and Wow, she has beautiful skin. She doesn't look like she has anything to cover! I really like her and enjoy her when she's on. Her skin though is marvelous! 

Are we talking about the pretty woman w/ short blonde/white hair who also presents the epilator & foot scrapers?


If so, ITA...