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Whoever posted their recommendation for this cream, THANK YOU ten times over.  Mine nails and cuticles were so dry ... I go through this every winter.  Tried it all.  I just received this and applied it once, and I can't believe how well it works.  It softened the cracks enough that I think they can heal finally.  I also ordered their Double Lash for eyelashes. It's a nutritive care product based on natural extracts   Provides vitamins to strengthen lashes and brows preventing hair loss.  Since I have puny lashes I thought I'd give it a try.

Posts: 60
Registered: ‎10-11-2016

Thanks for the heads up on this product. I just bought the Burt's Bees cuticle cream and it seems to be working okay. I'm not seeing the immediate results you have experienced, but some progress.  

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Registered: ‎10-29-2016

@Redboots I have tried that one also.  I highly recommend the Mavala.

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I use Mavala cuticle remover, the best. I have not tried the cuticle cream, I have to use up my Burt's Bees.   

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

You're welcome @makena!!  Glad it's working well for you. 


In that previous post I said I use the Mavala every day in winter (and even carry a tube in my purse) because 10degrees w/ wind does HORRIBLE things to my hands; and then in warm months I use the Mavala once a week when I do my manicure and the TIPS oil every night while watching tv.

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@forest4thetrees I have (or had) one crack of the skin on my thumb that's been the bain of my existence since the cold weather started.  It cracks, bleeds, and cracks again and bleeds.  I applied the cream and it immediatetly felt soothing.  My skin softened and I felt some relief.  I applied it more heavily last night before bedtime and this morning I found my cuticles in an even better condtion.  It lasted throughout the day and even after washing dishes they felt OK, but I did put a little more on.  Thank you again.  And I do plan on purchase another couple of tubes, one to take with me in my purse.

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I need to pick up the Mavala creams as I'm hearing amazing things about them. So far, I'm not impressed with ANY cuticle products I'm using/have tried.

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Posts: 243
Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Mavala has been around at least 40 years that I know of....and it really works!