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Beginning October 1, those using chemical sunscreens can be fined.  Zinc oxide and titanium oxide only are recognized as generally safe and effective. 


Similar law begins December 1 on the Big Island.



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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306

how will they know what type of sunscreen you are using?

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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306

[ Edited ]

They really should ban the sale and making of toxic chemicals in sunscreens, makeup and candy, food, toothpaste.


Europe has banned many of them for years but not the US.


Titanium dioxide (not oxide it seems) has potential to cause cancer, as well as oxybenzone, which is still used in even baby sunscreen.

Titanium dioxide is in skittles and m&ms, many things that we eat-milk, candy and more and toothpaste!


Carragean used in many of our foods esp ice cream can cause cancer as well.


Yet all these are still sold. For years promised as safe by the FDA now thought to be potential cancer causing chemicals.

I read this years ago and stopped using anything but zinc.

I guess we can say well look I'm ok we are ok but look how many cases of cancer there are!

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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306

@sunshine45 wrote:

how will they know what type of sunscreen you are using?



Most likely it is a ban of selling the product at the retail level.

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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306

And this is why I don't wear sunscreen... actually I don't wear sunscreen because I avoid the sun as much as possible. I like to say I'm allergic to it lol.
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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306

I truly am allergic to sunscreens; first time I tried some, I broke out in hives all over!  I go out very early or very late if I have to be in the sun.  Luckily I'm not much of an outdoor person anyway.

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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306


@Seannie wrote:

Beginning October 1, those using chemical sunscreens can be fined.  Zinc oxide and titanium oxide only are recognized as generally safe and effective. 


Similar law begins December 1 on the Big Island.



@Seannie    Are they offering free cancer treatment?  The type of sunscreen perhaps is better determined by one's doctor, not a bureaucrat.  This seems very officious.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306

Some dermatologists say to wear sunscreen 24-7, even when staying indoors. I don't buy that; it's overkill IMO. 


I don't wear actual suncreen, instead wear moisturizer with SPF 50. Some sunscreens contain ingredients that are harmful, so I can't trust on using the right ones. I know what my moisturizer contains, and since I don't spend much time in the sun I'm OK with what I use. 

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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306


@monicakm wrote:
And this is why I don't wear sunscreen... actually I don't wear sunscreen because I avoid the sun as much as possible. I like to say I'm allergic to it lol.

@monicakm    After I had surgery to remove my second melanoma on my face, my dermatologist pointed out that you get huge, intensified exposure just riding in a car.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Maui County Ordinance 5306



Well maybe.  I'm not a board certified dermatologist but I'm also not swayed by the billion dollar sunscreen industry (who is riding this sunscreen thing for all it's worth).  I know there is a part of the population that NEEDS to use it but I think scare tactics have caused an over the top usage.  Google just told me that the global sunscreen industry was worth 13 billion in 2021 and projected to be 16.8 billion in 2028. 


My husband should wear it as he's on construction sites every day.  He's inside too but he spends a lot of time out in the sun.  And of course that doesn't include the time he spends outside for pleasure.  Fortunately I don't find pleasure outside in the sun, heat and bugs.