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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

Last time I saw a picture of her her skin looked terrible. No way would I buy her skincare line, affordable or not.

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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

I wouldn't buy any skin care or cosmetic line supposedly developed by her.  I think she is raggedy and rough looking.  Even worse, is her attitude!  

I agree.   Not interested in any product "developed" by her.   


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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

I do not think she looks good for her age AT ALL!!

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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

Must need the money.....I am sure her music isn't seling like it used to....

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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

@Nataliesgramma wrote:

Must need the money.....I am sure her music isn't seling like it used to....

@Nataliesgramma  NOPE>


Madonna’s Net Worth 2017 – $560 Million

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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

[ Edited ]

@noodleann wrote:


From Vanity Fair:

" ... while the Rejuvenator Set (which includes a clay mask and a device that magnetically lifts it off the skin) tops out at $600 ..."



This made me snort in a very unladylike way. Glad I wasn't drinking or eating anything.



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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

@hyacinth003,   It's amazing when you think about it that a person becomes famous from singing or acting and now can go out and sell anything.  I think it is rather comical, especially if you fall for it. 

Cat Tongue

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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

[ Edited ]

She is probably the celebrity that I like the least.  She has a horrible persona, and she does not appear to be a nice person at all.  She's not in the least bit gracious, and she appears to treat people like dirt. 


I truly can't stand her.


And, ETA...I don't think she looks good for her age.  Yes, she's in great shape, but her face is not attractive, and I think she look old.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

Madonna does a lot of charity work , She just built a childrend hospital in Africa for sick children , You don't have to personally like her but most of her public identity is just that , A public personna , It doesn't reflect who she really is. She has a very kind heart and is generous to the less fortunate. I am sure she donated to relief efforts for the hurricane victims but probably did not feel the need to publicize it. Her contraversial image is just that -Contraversial and it keeps her in public eye.She is a smart woman.


Cathy from ma. 



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Re: Madonna has a new skin care line

I'm going to join the chorus by saying that I am sick to death of ANY and ALL CELEBRITIES who jump on the band wagon to sell things.  As if their tens or hundreds of millions of dollars aren't enough already.  Seriously?  Is there no limit to their GREED?  They have the right to do it, after all, this is a free country, but I refuse to give them any of my hard-earned money.  And no, I won't be purchasing any of Suzanne Somers or Martha Stewart's products from the Q either.  If you choose to do so, that's fine.  We can agree to disagree.