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Re: Looking forward to losing grey hair

I had a salon appointment last rid of the gray roots and had a great cut. I feel like a new woman. 

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Re: Looking forward to losing grey hair

I color my own, did it yesterday for first time in 8 weeks, came out great, as usual. 

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Re: Looking forward to losing grey hair

Mine has reached the point this past weekend that I just can't stand it anymore. Haven't had a color since February. My hair is so thick and it's just looking awful! A cut and color is just what the doctor orders for a little boost in self esteem. Don't judge me for saying that. Everyone has their own thoughts during this difficult time.

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Re: Looking forward to losing grey hair

[ Edited ]

My hair really isn't grey get. Just a little bit.  But it sure is long!  It's past my shoulders now. It's also extremely thick.  My mother would never let me wear braids, because it always ended up looking like fat sausages. I've got it up a bun or pony tail, but it looks fat and stupid.  I can't cut it.  I can't even cut paper correctly.  I did cut my bangs, and it turned out crooked. It's grown out now down to my eyes.  

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Re: Looking forward to losing grey hair

Getting my roots done and hair trimmed Friday afternoon really put a spring in my step all weekend!!

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Re: Looking forward to losing grey hair

I stopped coloring my hair in 2012---due to breast cancer, so no hair for awhile--but decided not to put those type of chemicals on my head anymore. My brain is foggy enough so  don't need to add to it--but I have been told by every stylist and there have been many--that they loved my hair color and people pay big $$ to color it like that. it is 1/4 grey with 3/4  brown and at the temples there is grey in streaks- sounds horrible but it does look really nice. I do need a cut--desperately--------but not sure when that will happen here in WA state--will not go until I see what the outcome will be from re opening in June----but have enjoyed all the woes of our hair adventures. Well the funny ones of course----

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Re: Looking forward to losing grey hair

@hyacinth003   Get the blush out for your cheeks.  I am salt & pepper and I did not see a drastic change with my complexion but there are certain color clothes i would not wear.  It won't be long and more states will open and hair salons will be among the first.  Our governor looks like Elvis now as he needs a haircut.  LOL

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Re: Looking forward to losing grey hair

@Ibby114 wrote:

I'm letting mother nature take over right now  in many areas- my gray roots, the much needed haircut, etc. I figure it's a small price to pay to stay safe and healthy. And when things open up (I'm in NJ - so it's going to be while) I'm treating myself to a spa day, head to toe. 

@Ibby114 Hello, fellow New Jerseyan!  Are you north, central, or south?  I'm north.  I cut my own hair a few weeks ago.  It was still too long, so I had my mom cut some length off.  I couldn't figure out how to cut off length without adding more layers, which I didn't want.  I still need a little more taken off, but I think I can do it myself.  It looks good enough.  My mom, sister, and I go to the same hairdresser and she mixed color for my mom, put it in a bowl with foil over the top, and we picked it up in her driveway.  I colored my mom's hair.  It was very nice of her to do that, plus it gave her some business.  I'm not sure when I'll feel comfortable getting a haircut again.  I haven't even been inside a store since March 1st.  I hope you enjoy your spa day whenever it comes!

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