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Posts: 12,610
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

Re: Laura's inkcredibles liners

I bought iCare liners and have been using them for several months and no problem. I can't say the same for IT Liners, I used them for several years and stopped purchasing becasue the last 2 times, it was tug tug tug soon after using them. I sure hope the LG  liners I have in my arsenal holds up. 


I love Urban Decay staying power but hate sharpening them.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 941
Registered: ‎01-24-2015

Re: Laura's inkcredibles liners

Yes they will. I hate to admit it, but I have a few that are over 3 yrs old and they're still fine. when you apply them, I do my upper eyelid first and give that time to set before doing any shadow lining on top, otherwise they will migrate to the lower lash line. But once they're set, they last. FYI, LG's inkwell pot eyeliners are the only ones I've tried that did not dry out (as much as I love Bobbi brown's pot gel eyeliners , they dry out).