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Registered: ‎04-10-2010

Laura Geller - new Baked foundation - shade?


Does her new foundation that is called Double Take Baked Foundation run lighter or darker than usual? 


I'm trying to decide between light and the golden medium.  



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Registered: ‎10-02-2013

Re: Laura Geller - new Baked foundation - shade?

I got it in a TSV and I'd say it's identical to her Baked Elements in color. I have fair. I wear fair in her Balance and Brighten but have had darker swirls in some making those a bit too dark in winter, if that helps. If you use bronzer daily, I'd suggest the lighter, but order as you usually would maybe. Hope this helps Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎04-10-2010

Re: Laura Geller - new Baked foundation - shade?


Thanks, @IMissSuperPoke!!  I appreciate your help.



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Re: Laura Geller - new Baked foundation - shade?

I agree with SavvyChic that this is identical to the Baked Elements foundation color.  I wear both in Porcelain.  In her Balance and Brighten I found the Porcelain a little too light and pink for me, yet the Fair was a little too dark and yellow.