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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

I didn't see it, but I have often thought that vendors have to get irritated sometimes with the constant interruptions. I know they get used to it, and its part of the job, but it still has to be annoying to get interrupted every two minutes.


I agree with some of you who said why the countdown all the time, when it gets below 200 or so then let everyone know, but to keep saying it's less than a thousand, then one minute later its less than 900, and on and on.....It's most likely a sales tactic to get you to run to your phone before it sells out...


Laura is such a good sport, and funny besides. I bet she would be a hoot to spend an afternoon with!!! 

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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

All the vendors should do that! That is hilarious.  Laura could pull it off quite nicely I bet.

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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

Hosts don't drive the boat.  The producer talks in their ear constantly and directs what they say--they have talked about it in the past.


The execs set the tone and the script of how things are run.  Hosts are employees.

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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

@nyc1 wrote:

@Squirrels Are Trash   I don't watch much QVC any longer but I turned it on when they were partly through the presentation.  The ONLY REASON why I kept watching was for LG.  She was a RIOT.  She'd had enough of the ridiculous interruptions and the panic buying ....  RUN RUN RUN ... I'M GETTING THE UPDATES FROM THE PRODUCER... ONLY 800 LEFT... RUN!!!   And then the look on her face.  She'd had enough with the silliness of the other two. 

THEN....    when she mimicked the way JT pronounces her name,  that was the best.   LARRRRRRRRRRRA.  

Laura Geller made that presentation actually WATCHABLE.  I don't watch a thing when JT is involved.  NOTHING.

I wish I knew Laura had that much cheek, I would have paid more attention! Impudence deserves rewarding Man Very Happy

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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

@Squirrels Are Trash I also tuned in to watch that show.   Did you hear when Jane overloaded herself and said I don;t like flowers....

Laura said I sent you flowers for your birthday,  how awkward & rude!

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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

@Boomernichols wrote:

@Squirrels Are Trash I also tuned in to watch that show.   Did you hear when Jane overloaded herself and said I don;t like flowers....

Laura said I sent you flowers for your birthday,  how awkward & rude!

I did! And we got to see the wires in Jane's brain short circuit. 


I bet that hour will end up on some year-end QVC internal blooper real. So much to enjoy!

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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

@PansyBoo , ITA with your sentiments.  There have been many times that I wanted to hear what Laura was suggesting towards her product application.  She is the makeup artist.  She was trying to explain techniques one time and JT interrupted her for the umpteenth time to tell us blah blah is getting ready to sell out.  By the time she said ok Laura what were you saying, she had forgotten or never got back to it.  Lost a sale from me.

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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

[ Edited ]

@Boomernichols wrote:

@Squirrels Are Trash I also tuned in to watch that show.   Did you hear when Jane overloaded herself and said I don;t like flowers....

Laura said I sent you flowers for your birthday,  how awkward & rude!



Yes! Loved that Laura totally called Jane out on it. Bravo! 👏 There was some hemming and hawing on Jane's part and then about the best backpedaling explanation she could come up with was, "My cat eats them." 🙄  

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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

Laura was hilarious. I loved the spontaneity. So entertaining and refreshing.
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Re: Laura Geller Gets Sassy PM 3/5

Sounds like she need to go to a comedy club if she's not going to be serious about selling her products.