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Registered: ‎11-29-2017

Latest of "Insider Mag?" or any info on preTSVs? Thx

Hi folks.  I give up... what's the latest on the ever elusive "Insider Mag?"  ... or any other info on upcoming TSVs?  And just out of curiosity, what's is QVC's issue with the "Insider Mag" that QVC keeps changing how they deal with this?  TIA!  HAPPY Easter wkend.

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Re: Latest of "Insider Mag?" or any info on preTSVs? Thx

[ Edited ]

"The Insider" no longer exists in the format it did (no paper magazine or online link to the digital version).


Now there's just "InsideQ" that anyone can access, but it doesn't have any information about upcoming TSVs or the schedule guide or...pretty much anything "The Insider" did!  (Just type InsideQ in the search bar.)


I'm afraid that boat has sailed for good.  The only notice I get for upcoming TSVs now is by email, but only a few days in advance.  You can sign up for that in your preferences settings.

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Re: Latest of "Insider Mag?" or any info on preTSVs? Thx

[ Edited ]



I visited the “Blue Skies For Me” blog once again to see what could be found.

At this time, the writer of this blog only has April info for Sunday and Monday, 4/1 and 4/2.

She writes that these are the only two dates she has, so far.

so, sorry, I cannot help.


ETA: type “Inside Q” or “Insider” in the search bar for program guide and planner. This may work for us.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎11-29-2017

Re: Latest of "Insider Mag?" or any info on preTSVs? Thx

@Venezia@LTT1.. Thanks so much... Great phrase... "sailed for good."  Thanks for this info!  Take care...