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Re: Lancome TS Wed on HSN

[ Edited ]

Overpriced, over hyped JUINK, sad but true!!

This was also a TS last year, some reviews say the scent is very overpowering.  All the reviews from last year are listed with the TS for today. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Nothing wrong with mineral oil , but it is at top of list. That being said it is the cheapest ingredient . That doesn't mean this is a bad product , just bringing it to everyone's attention.

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Re: Lancome TS Wed on HSN

[ Edited ]

@MW in Iowa wrote:

Nothing wrong with mineral oil , but it is at top of list. That being said it is the cheapest ingredient . That doesn't mean this is a bad product , just bringing it to everyone's attention.



Agree. I thought mineral oil made a barrier to keep moister in? I could be wrong? That was a very long time ago. I enjoy this product very much. I bought two sets last year. I don't need anymore right now. It is a flowery for sure but it's a pretty fragrance , IMO.