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Registered: ‎11-16-2020

Hey there! Has anyone tried using an LED face mask before? I know many people swear by them. I'm particularly interested to potentially help with my acne/blemishes. Thank you!!Smiley Happy 

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Welcome @andreadominguez 

I hope quite a few posters have information for you.

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@andreadominguez Don't have an answer for you, but wanted to welcome you to the Forums.

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Registered: ‎08-23-2016


I have been using the LED lite for about 4 years.I love it.You need to be diligent with it.I use the red for collagen and the green for brightness. The blue is for the issues you have.

I spoke to my derm and she hightly recomends the light.They do it in her office but it can be pricey.

Many on the market depending on what you want to spend.Any questions I am happy to help.

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I used the Baby Q when it first came out.  Pricey and noticed nothing.

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I have the one by Dr. Gross  I like it.  I find it most relaxing.  Not sure it makes my skin less wrinkly but it does help with blemishes.

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Although these masks (and other home devices) may be somewhat effective and cost less, keep in mind that they are not as "strong" as professional treatments. Unless you're experienced, some home peels, light devices, etc. can do more harm or not have the strength to show the differences you're especting.

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Registered: ‎11-16-2020

Very interesting! I do have a few questions actually Smiley Happy What has your routine been/how long until you actually noticed results? And I'm willing to spend the money for a good LED mask, so long as it actually works!


Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎11-16-2020

Oh jeez :/ What is your skin type/what results were you looking for?

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎11-16-2020

I've been looking at that LED mask! It is definitely on the expensive side. How long have you been using it for? Smiley Happy