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Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

about her Oscar night appearance. She was nervous, and had debated whether or not to accept going on stage. But she never expected the comments, and hurt deeply, but then she thought of it as bullying. I love her, she has overcome so much and in her 80's didn't deserve such harsh and brutal comments. JMHO. By the way, can anyone explain to me the comments from The Donald? {#emotions_dlg.blink} Here is an is an article with her thoughts.

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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

Anyone have thoughts on the Donald comments? I thought, who in the heck is he to make comments?

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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

Sorry Shoekitty! I avoid these current affairs type threads. imo they don't belong on the beauty board. Maybe on Viewpoints, but not here.

I wouldn't have posted, but your post #1 opened it up for appropriateness.

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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

Good for her. How brave and courageous to speak out. She set a great example. As far as Donald, well, his words spoke as to what kind of person he really is.

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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

I debated about viewpoints, but it was beauty related, sort of. It was about her beauty treatments originally. The issue came up about Kim Novak here in Beauty Banter, so I figured I would post here.What I found interesting was the beauty treatment she did have. I never would have guessed, and I am usually pretty good at that. LOL! Oh well. Sorry, I guess it should be posted elsewhere.

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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

I just read her statement where she says that she had fat injections and took a pill to relax and went on a 3 day fast.

When you are that old, fasting is absolutely not good for you. I think that she had more than fat least be honest. The pill to relax, well that is something that she needs to think about before appearing on live television.

Unfortunately, people in hollywood and the public put themselves out there and are open targets....and this can be very difficult.

I also believe that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. Whatever I thought of Ms Novak with her appearance, I did not and would never go on twitter or facebook and voice my opinion.

On the other hand, I am sure Ms. Novak has thought that Mr. Trump should get another hairdresser and one that is an expert colorist. She took the high road like the lady that she is.

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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

On 4/17/2014 DogLvr said:

I just read her statement where she says that she had fat injections and took a pill to relax and went on a 3 day fast.

When you are that old, fasting is absolutely not good for you. I think that she had more than fat least be honest. The pill to relax, well that is something that she needs to think about before appearing on live television.

Unfortunately, people in hollywood and the public put themselves out there and are open targets....and this can be very difficult.

I also believe that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. Whatever I thought of Ms Novak with her appearance, I did not and would never go on twitter or facebook and voice my opinion.

On the other hand, I am sure Ms. Novak has thought that Mr. Trump should get another hairdresser and one that is an expert colorist. She took the high road like the lady that she is.

I think the fat injections explain her full face. She may have had work done earlier in her life, but at her age, and the medications she takes I think it is true. In all reality, it is her choice and she hasn't hurt a soul!

I couldn't believe Mr Trump would tweet comments about someone. That is just nasty character, IMO.

Hollywood is such a tough task master. It really is. I think if I was Kim Novak I would have been to nervous to appear on stage anyway. I might have taken a whole bottle of lorezapam, lol! That takes guts. That theater is so out in the open, the stage is awful. I have been in there, and have looked at the stage and thought...anyone who can get up on THAT stage in front of millions of people as well. With HD TV, 60 inch screens and larger, and critics chomping at the bit looking at every pore. The critics never look for something good, they look for the bad, and escalate from there. They deserve an academy for getting up the stage alone. Heck, one makes a movie it is usually on a small set...sometimes closed. It is harder to get the award IMO! LOL!

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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

Just like the rude comments on these forums about the hosts and vendors......I guess they don't think or care if they hurt feelings. I mean after all they're just expressing their opinions
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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

If he weren't wealthy, the old Trump wouldn't have a new trophy wife every few years.

Aging is cruel for women in Hollywood. Men on the other-hand can slide by with a decent bank account and staying somewhat in decent shape. They aren't considered undesirable (generally speaking) the way older women are.

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Re: Kim Novak did hear the cruel comments

Where this was posted is just fine.

The pictures of her didn't look so bad. Some injections it appeared. Actually she looked worse on the screen than in the pictures posted. She was a real beauty back in the day. I was too busy looking at Matthew McConaughey.