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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

On 5/8/2014 luvpoos said:

When you need your reading glasses to see anything and can't remember where you left them. Double whammy.

Triple whammy when you find them on top of your head! (that's where I usually find mine)

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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

It's when I look in the mirror and cannot see any eyebrows. They turned gray.

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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

On 5/8/2014 betteb said:
On 5/8/2014 luvpoos said:

When you need your reading glasses to see anything and can't remember where you left them. Double whammy.

Hi betteb! I've walked around the house looking for my readers while they were on the top of my head. OLD!

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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

You find your first grey hair...down there.

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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

You are beyond 55 and stop worrying about getting ahead in your career. When the yard guy is nice to you and wants to do it your way instead of his. When you can relax and kick back and not worry about some of the stuff that used to keep you up at night. When you stop buying things you aren't going to need any more--like lots of tote bags and things to carry your lunch to work in.

When you think a lot about how blessed you are if you have good health!

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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

When you turn 65 and have to call the Medicare hot line for help with your password and the young man on the line talks very slowly and distinctly to you. Then praises you for remembering his instructions!

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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

When you are in a department store with your sons and one of them asks the name of that song give the title and inform him that it was popular when you were in high school; you even did a cheerleading routine to it. He then says, "It's that old??!!"

Thanks son!!

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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

When I don't recognize the old lady in my mirror......I stopped coloring my hair 3 yrs ago & still have a hard time realizing it IS me in that mirror.

Btw, this IS a fun thread, some funny answers. I wish there was a "like" button as on facebook, so I could "like" the good 1's.

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Re: Just for Fun, fill in the blank-You know you're looking older when ...

older older older older older