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Re: July 4th Makeup Looks (and a few other reminiscences)

No makeup went bare faced yesterday.

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Re: July 4th Makeup Looks (and a few other reminiscences)

I don't wear any make up except when I leave my apartment---then it is very sparse. Stayed home on the 4th--just did my skin care routine and that is it.

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Re: July 4th Makeup Looks (and a few other reminiscences)


@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@GingerHead  Thank you! Oh it was delicious- I've been craving steak and this was a good deal from Safeway! The steamed corn and the cold salad were a nice touch.  How were your fire roasted delicious hot dogs and your smores and cake desserts? I hope your little dog isn't too spooked from the fireworks.  I love little dogs Smiley HappyHeart


Hey, it was purdy good.

We each had 1 huge piece of cake and ice cream and then threw it away. I know, terrible waste but it was a small cake and we only indulge in those unhealthy sweets very occasionally and can't trust ourselves to leave it around. haha


Not too many fireworks around, but enough that my little guy had to sleep cuddled up right next to me.

I think he was mostly faking being scared just so he could sleep almost on top of me....but don't tell him I told you so. hahaSmiley Happy



"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Re: July 4th Makeup Looks (and a few other reminiscences)

@GingerHead  I am glad that you had fun! I have no restraint around cake Smiley Very Happy- so what I do is I individually slice the cake and wrap each slice in cling wrap and then I freeze them.  Your cake was a small cake, so I can understand why you two helped yourselvesto nice slices and then got rid of the rest Smiley Happy.  That's so cute that your little dog slept and coddled right next to you to get over the firework fears! I think he definitely played up the fear to get close to you! Smiley Very Happy  What kind of dog is it? 

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Re: July 4th Makeup Looks (and a few other reminiscences)

@SportyShorty07  I love your idea of freezing treats!

I have my DH hide candy when I get it and disperse it every now and then because I have no self control if left to my own devices.


When we adopted our dog I was told that they thought he was part poodle and part cairn terrier but I don't think that's the case, he looks more like maybe a chihuahua cairn terrier mix. I don't see any poodle in him but who knows. He's the one I'm holding in my pic.





"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Re: July 4th Makeup Looks (and a few other reminiscences)

@GingerHead  Oh yeah! Freezing treats was a game changer for me- I do it when I bake coffee cake, cheesecake, birthday cakes or donuts so that I can have individual servings and not go nuts and binge.  Before I started freezing the desserts I made for my family, I'd look at the cake as a challenge and see if I could try to help finish it in a week, not anymore Smiley Very Happy


   I love how you have your DH in charge of hiding and doling out candy! That is a great idea! Candy is another favorite for me- my trick is I put candy in a big twist type container where I have to turn the lid about 5 times to get to it- I let myself eat about 5 hershey's kisses and then I turn that lid and walk away.  Fun-sized candy also helps me because they're individually wrapped.  I'll tell ya, I'm going to have to use a lot of restraint when my Lindt truffle TSV comes in the mail in October Smiley Very Happy.  I'll be set for atleast 6 months with that TSV Smiley Happy.   Great profile photo- you are a beautiful lady!  I love your little dog- his ears are so cute and he is so tiny, he's like a little stuffed animal toy! So cute! Smiley Very HappyHeart

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Re: July 4th Makeup Looks (and a few other reminiscences)


@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@GingerHead  Oh yeah! Freezing treats was a game changer for me- I do it when I bake coffee cake, cheesecake, birthday cakes or donuts so that I can have individual servings and not go nuts and binge.  Before I started freezing the desserts I made for my family, I'd look at the cake as a challenge and see if I could try to help finish it in a week, not anymore Smiley Very Happy


   I love how you have your DH in charge of hiding and doling out candy! That is a great idea! Candy is another favorite for me- my trick is I put candy in a big twist type container where I have to turn the lid about 5 times to get to it- I let myself eat about 5 hershey's kisses and then I turn that lid and walk away.  Fun-sized candy also helps me because they're individually wrapped.  I'll tell ya, I'm going to have to use a lot of restraint when my Lindt truffle TSV comes in the mail in October Smiley Very Happy.  I'll be set for atleast 6 months with that TSV Smiley Happy.   Great profile photo- you are a beautiful lady!  I love your little dog- his ears are so cute and he is so tiny, he's like a little stuffed animal toy! So cute! Smiley Very HappyHeart


Awe, thanks you are too cute and funny! 

As for my little guy, it's his ears that I fell in love with first. 

When I saw him on the Dog Shelter website that I was stalking I was just head over hills and made sure I was there before it opened so that I'd have a chance to adopt him first. He was about 3 months old and all ears when we got him....he really is so adorable and our little love.


I was tempted by those truffes, they look so good! You'll have to get a Huge twist type container! haha

That's another great idea, by the way.

Us sugar addicts need to stick together and share all our tips and tricks.Smiley Happy

Enjoy your sweeties!





"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Re: July 4th Makeup Looks (and a few other reminiscences)

@GingerHead  Absolutely and thank you! That is so sweet that your little dog is a shelter dog and you took him in at 3 months old! His big ears are soooo cute! They give him such character Smiley Very HappyHeart.  Such a little cutie! He looks like he weighs as much as a small bag of apples Smiley Very Happy.


   I should get this for my Lindt Truffles TSV Smiley LOL.  I'll definitely need a huge twist type container for it- there's something about the twists of the container where it snaps me back and I think, "I'll still eat the candy, but man is it a hassle to get it!" I'm like one of those grizzly bears that sneaks into a convenience store to eat oreos- it there's candy, I'll find it Smiley Very Happy.  I'll enjoy those truffles- counting down the months until they get here haha.