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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

On 8/26/2014 happy housewife said:

In the picture here I don't think she looks at all anorexic - however, I do think she has oddly large hands for a small person making me wonder if this picture is photoshopped.

Pictures from actual photo-shoots (for print medium, etc.) are usually photo-shopped, but I doubt a picture from papparazzi on the red carpet is.....all they want to do is get that picture out there to make money. Usually, if it's an unflattering shot, the more money these guys make.

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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

She is a beautiful woman, but thought the hairstyle was too severe. I didn't think she looked anorexic.
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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

I have been extremely thin and overweight. I much prefer someone saying ""eat a sandwich"" than ""wow I can't believe how much weight you've gained since I saw you 25 years ago"". I wish someone would tell me I need to eat a sandwich.
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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

On 8/26/2014 BeckiWV said:

I think she looked fine body wise, but I did not care for the hair either. I thought it was tad severe but overall, she looked wonderful.

I thought Heidi Klum looked good too. Loved the dress. She was covered up more than usual which I thought very flattering in contrast to her usual garb or lack thereof.

A lot of pretty dresses last night.

I thought the same of Heidi Klum. All covered up and looked great. She doesn't need the low cut top and thigh high slit to look sexy.

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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

She looks ok in that dress. However, outside of the dress (as in nekked) I bet she is on the thin side. If you look out the outline of her leg it appears rather thin.

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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

She looks fine to me in that picture.

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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

Obesity is a real problem in this country. It's so bad that a normal, healthy looking thin person now is labeled anorexic. Sad really. Julianna looks lovely.
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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

Here is a photo of her accepting her award. Look at the beautiful muscle definition in her arms. I think if you put larger boobs on her, no one would think she's too thin.

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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

I think that beauty and health is in the eye of the beholder. Smiley Happy I think JM always looks great. I don't follow her or her career enough to know if her body looks different or skinnier or whatever. But I really do think that one man's skinny is too skinny to someone else, KWIM?

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Re: Juliana Marguiles, dare I say it?

Liked how when she gave her acceptance speech, she didn't need notes. She could speak off the cuff and was intelligent and graceful in doing so.

Not my favorite dress on her. The back of it was very low cut and looked like lingerie. I personally don't like dresses that are modest and tasteful in front and then have a plunging back. As Audrey Hepburn said, "You don't have to show everything to be se*y."

She's thin, but nothing that bad... and coming from a recovered anorexic of 25 years... she's not there yet, trust me.