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Re: Josie TSV??

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A345054 Josie Maran Better Together Argan Mega Size & Travel 4 pc set. $79.95 +  $3 S&H. Comes in Unscented, Vanilla Bean & Winter Berry.
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Not interested in more body butter, I was hoping for the milk body lotion and divine drip, glad I can save the moneyCat Happy

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Easy pass for me.  I don't need or want the argan oil.  

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I won't be getting the TSV, but I'm sure I'll get suckered in to buying something!

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I agree, kind of a boring TSV. It would've been nice if something new was in it.

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Registered: ‎01-06-2018

Easy pass for me, too - I have way too much of both.  I was hoping for something a little unique - the cleansing oil or some of the makeup products since my skin likes cream based products in winter!

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Re: Josie TSV??

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I could always use body butter, but none of those scents intice me; vanilla bean never had much of a scent on me, although....never tried winter berry, is it new?


I would have loved Vanilla Pear, my favorite.


I'll most likely pass.  I'll get other things if any are a good price, size, etc.


I really would have loved a super sized Sleeping Nectar  in a TSV, no matter what else it came with.


Cat Very HappyHeartCat Very Happy

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Boy, that TSV body butter looks so fluffy and light. It's tempting. I have only tried her oil, milk, drip and lip treatment.  

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@BdBettyB... Josie's body butter is divine.. you'll have to try it.. unscented is my fave..also goes well w/ any perfumes u might wear.
Posts: 25
Registered: ‎01-06-2018

I love her body butter - it amazing if you have dry skin.  Some of her scents are terrible (to me) but the formula is wonderful