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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎03-25-2021

Josie, Love your tanning products but you need a back applicator that works with your oils

Josie Maran, It would be wonderful to have an applicator to apply your tanning products on our backs. I have seen them but they don't recommend using them with oil. I'm sure you could make a back applicator using the same material as your mit. Good Luck and hope you are able to help your Josie Maran Fans 😊

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Posts: 14,753
Registered: ‎11-24-2013

Re: Josie, Love your tanning products but you need a back applicator that works with your oils

@Chase9 The vendors don't read or participate on these boards.


Try contacting her on FB or on her website if she has either of these.

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Posts: 38,249
Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Josie, Love your tanning products but you need a back applicator that works with your oils

There are many of the back-applicators sold on Amazon made of that kind of fuzzy material.

