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Posts: 917
Registered: ‎04-21-2010

Has anyone tried Joe Blasco Orange Highlight?  As I have gotten older, I am starting to get dark undereye circles and was looking for something to lighten and brighten that area.  The one I am considering is a cream product and has good reviews, but there aren't very many.  I am very fair and was thinking orange highlight #1 might suit me.  I have recently run out of my 'tried and true' concealer, but the company tests on animals and I need something that is cruelty free.


Would appreciate any input from ladies who use this, or have tried it.



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Posts: 3,512
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Hi @Swedishmiss! I do need color corrector under my eyes-and have used many.

I have tried many-among them, Graftopian. I have had success, but it's knowing how much to apply and what works for you.

My YouTube MU guru says that with a good corrector applied in the lightest hand,it should blend in....well, there are many variables there.

NOBODY in the consumer MU world can guarantee things will work for everybody-especially when it comes to personalized issues.

Try it-if you think it will help, you have nothing to lose. I will always need color corrector-especially under eyes. Try-I would love to hear your review!

Welcome and Hugs,


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Posts: 24,685
Registered: ‎07-21-2011

@Swedishmiss,   Becca has a eye corrector for dark circles.  First you apply the corrector and then you apply your concealer.  If you sign up for emails on Becca's website I believe it is 20% discount and if you don't like the product you can return it (label is enclosed).  It's worth a try.  Check reviews too.   Cat Happy  P.S.  I just purchased the brightener corrector for eyes by Becca.  It's on easy pay.  Sometimes I don't get enough sleep and I look tired and have some darkness.  It's worth a try.  Most women on QVC reviews love this product.

kindness is strength
Valued Contributor
Posts: 917
Registered: ‎04-21-2010

Thank you, Poodlepet2!

I am still trying to do some research, but will definitely post a reivew if I purchase the Joe Blasco.  It is pricey, but will be well worth it if it works!

Finding the right product for me is sometimes difficult do to because  (1) I have very fair skin (2) I have sensitive, break-out prone skin and now (3) products must be cruelty-free.

I will have to do some checking into the concealer you mentioned as well.  

Valued Contributor
Posts: 917
Registered: ‎04-21-2010

Hi KatCat1-

Thank you for the recommendation.  I have several Becca products that I really enjoy.  However, since Estée Lauder (company that tests on animals) now owns Becca, I will no longer purchase their products.  I am currently replacing some of my favorite products with cruelty free alternatives.  It is a bit frustrating, but worth it for me.