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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

I like Philosophy shower gel in Amazing Grace.  Many years ago, before I became a Wen girl, I tried the shower gel in my hair.  It was extremely drying and left my hair feeling like straw.  I can't imagine anyone using the shower gel as a shampoo.  I also can't see using the Beekman soap - or any soap - as shampoo.  Seems like a bar of soap would not work well for hair. 


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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

@SFBayAreaNative wrote:

I've been a long time customer and watch QVC often.  I just saw Jane Treacy presenting Philosophy and as in the past when she has presented shower gels, she has talked about how she uses this as her shampoo.  Just last week she presented Wen and also said she uses Wen.  How can this be since it would be a contradiction using Wen and Philosophy since Philosophy contains all the ingredients Chaz's Wen does not.  I just wish for more honesty and transparency when the hosts present products.


Desperate times will make a monkey eat pepper.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Watching Jill right now.


She is selling Lancer.


What about her devotion to Philosophy?





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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

By now we should all know the hosts say what they need to , to sell the products. Of course it makes them look like liars, but who cares, we know better and most of all, they are not your FRIENDS and we can think for ourselves.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

@sarahpanda wrote:

Carolyn Gracie takes the cake though....She has one of everything QVC has '''ever sold'' !



Back when I watched QVC, Carolyn was being bashed every which way on the boards because she often said that she bought this or that.  It was brutal. 


Then, one day, on air, she addressed the comments.  She had read the comments and she openly said that she does indeed buy a lot from QVC.  She gives a lot of things to her Mother and her sister or sister in law, I can't remember, AND, she donated a lot of things she purchases to a womans center near where she lives and to a thrift shop for the Animal Adoption Society in her town.    


At least she was honest about it.  

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

@alarmclock wrote:

Watching Jill right now.


She is selling Lancer.


What about her devotion to Philosophy?




she never said she uses Philosophy for her skincare regime, she uses the shower gels for bathing and showering,




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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

what difference does it make what she says she uses? Does it influence you one way or another?


Maybe she uses Phliosophy to "clean" her hair since WEN doesn't really do that IMO. Or maybe she uses both. Or maybe she uses a different one very day.


I have 5 bottles of shampoo and 6 bottles of shower gels in my bathroom vanity right now and I choose something different every day because maybe one day I ike the smell of lavendar and the next day I like the smell of rosemary mint. 


Calling salespeople liars is just riidiculous. 

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Not just one, but two or three in different colors!!
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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Oh, good grief...LOL   I doubt that she uses either of those products as a shampoo.  She's a sales person, selling products.  Like most of them, they use that "I own"  or "I use" line to make sales.  

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

I also use Wen and Philosophy.  I have a feeling hosts use many products, seeing as most of them are probably free.