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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Jane is a salesperson.  Salespeople lie. 


She is no different.  She will say and do whatever it takes.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Maybe Jane just doesn't use the Wen exclusively. I know that would be defeating the purpose of it, but thats all I can think of.


I like the shower gel, but I don't want to use it on my hair.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

I heard Jane say she used Beekman soap on her hair - this was the day the TSV was from Beekman - a set of six bars of soap and a lotion.  She said she used the bar soap as her shampoo.


She must switch up her shampoo a lot!

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Carolyn Gracie takes the cake though....She has one of everything QVC has '''ever sold'' !

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

@Denise in PA wrote:

I heard Jane say she used Beekman soap on her hair - this was the day the TSV was from Beekman - a set of six bars of soap and a lotion.  She said she used the bar soap as her shampoo.


She must switch up her shampoo a lot!


Ok, now THAT one is a little hard to believe.  As picky as these hosts would be about what they use on their hair, I don't think so.  I mean, I'm just a regular lady who's not on TV everyday and I'd never use bar soap to wash my hair!

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

@sarahpanda wrote:

Carolyn Gracie takes the cake though....She has one of everything QVC has '''ever sold'' !

@sarahpanda When I look around my house, sometimes I think I have too! Smiley LOL

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

[ Edited ]

Can’t watch her anymore...overdosed on shoe shows, Jane’s Beauty Secrets, Jane’s Closet, etc., family stories.... Three channels with Jane? 


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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

@grandma r wrote:

Jane is one of several hosts who claim to use/own everything they present.  X is the best ......, next show, Y is the best ......!!!!


Not credible anymore!!!!  Just seems as if anything goes as long as items are sold.  I don't like the hard sell tactics (don't go to sleep without ordering), so I watch less.


I do miss the old days with people and products that I enjoyed.

Jane must have at least 5000 pair of shoes. Every pair she sells she says she owns and often in multiple colors. 

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

I agree the hard-sell tactics are annoying, like when she and other hosts say "I keep several in my gift closet". lol

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

@KKJ wrote:

I agree the hard-sell tactics are annoying, like when she and other hosts say "I keep several in my gift closet". lol

I keep several things in my gift closet too. I particularly like the 6-ounce Philosophy bottles with a bow on top!


When there are specials on QVC on little items, I like to stock up. I have many wonderful friends who do things for me, so when they stop by the house, I know I have something to give them as a thank you. 


I got into the habit of that because my mother always did that. She would have things already wrapped and ready to give. Sometimes it was a lipstick, a container of face cream (Ponds and Oil of Olay were big back in her day), cookies in the freezer, etc. A nice way to show appreciation.


She also stocked up on wedding gifts when there were sales on kitchen items. Her closet would have wrapped blenders, mixing bowls, irons, and more. Pyrex containers were very popular when she was purchasing extras as gifts.