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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Maybe she uses philosophy as a shampoo and wen as the condition er.  Or maybe she used philosophy in the past, like is stated and switched to wen.  I bet she gets samples of all try out.  I don't think she's telling tales.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

I use several skincare lines and alternate.  Once I buy something, I try to use it and not toss it if I find something newer I like better.  I think the hosts get a lot of the beauty products for free so they can use them/try them out to have more information when presenting.  I know they all say they use everything (and it's their favorite!).

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

[ Edited ]

I don't think the problem lies in using different products for any host. 


I think the problem lies in the fact that they will say," I use or have used this product exclusively for x number of years".  And, although I did not see the presentation  with Jane ,  I have heard this said. 


I wouldn't just use one product on my hair.  I'm always trying out the next best thing for thinning hair. 

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

I was watching Jane and Chaz present A310849 WEN  Styling Creme the other day.  I just looked at the product video and Jane  does say that whatever else she uses to clean her hair she always uses WEN styling creme.  If you start the on-line video, this is shown at about 0:37 to 0:47 at the beginning of the video.  Sounds honest to me.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Good luck.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

I think Jane has said before she uses Philosophy Bath and Shower products to wash her hair.  I guess she probably uses both.  I don't use either of those products, but I like to try new shampoos and conditioners.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

Jane is one of several hosts who claim to use/own everything they present.  X is the best ......, next show, Y is the best ......!!!!


Not credible anymore!!!!  Just seems as if anything goes as long as items are sold.  I don't like the hard sell tactics (don't go to sleep without ordering), so I watch less.


I do miss the old days with people and products that I enjoyed.

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

I see nothing has changed in the past ten years since I stopped watching. Jane has been claiming to use everything she sells since day 1. I happened to be channel surfing today and saw her desperately trying to sell something and she was turning red trying to catch her breath she was talking so quickly. Her hair looked nice, though. LOL

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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy

[ Edited ]

It’s best if they just highlight the pluses of the product with out saying they use it. It is rediculous to think a host would be using every hair care brand they sell. I also wonder what people use as a hair conditioner when using Philosophy’s 3 in 1 as that leaves your hair a brittle straw mess.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Jane Treacy on Wen and Philosophy



It will be a cold day in you know where if/when that happens.

Honesty and transparency--not words they tend to live by.