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Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

If  so, I feel guilty.  I'm sure the designers and coders are terribly disappointed we don't love this.  Do any of them actually shop QVC?  Do any of them participate in the boards?  Final question - am I turning into what I vowed I never would, a cranky old woman?

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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

Lol, I had the thought! Am I officially old??? But we do all kinds of stuff, we can't be old! Anyway, I would LOVE to know how survey responses boiled down into this monstrosity. I think the only way this could have happened is that the survey results were given to an IT firm of MEN (sorry, but I think that) who had been on the forums like 5 times, and that by the time they finished the project!
Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

Ah-ha! Now we know who to blame this on! Smiley Happy


What was in that survey, anyway? What qualified one to get one?


Were you asked about the sub forums at all?

What were some of the questions?

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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?'re not to blame.   At the company where I worked, every time they "improved" our computer system.......they added about six more "steps" to get where we were going...........and deleted shortcuts and favorites.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

As I posted somewhere else in these forums, ( but have NO IDEA how to access my previous post LOL) this seems yo me to be a latetal rather than a positive move.
About the same as before but with some changes for the better and some for the worse.
Definitely not a fabulous rehab, but for me, better than nothing.
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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

I was thinking that same thing about the survey. I've been thinking that same thing about turning into a grouchy old woman for awhilemini haha.gif


AA age.jpg

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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

I am hoping NOT! Nothing seems to be working for me, it says it posts and sometimes it does and then sometimes not. I am more confused than normal!!

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

I got that survey in a email.  Since we are all "super contributors" I also wonder, I'm guessing just at random.  I don't remember anything about deleting sub forums, I don't remember anything about a drastic change in format.  What I do remember is a question about singling out contributors, even things like most popular, etc.  That seemed to be voted down by the board comments as too high school.  Not everyone was homecoming queen, and I guess we didn't want to be reminded.  There were questions about poofing, did we like it, did we like ignore feature. There were questions about being able to follow certain threads.  They did not ask if we were willing to return to college to get a degree in computer science. 

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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

It is my opinion QVC updated their computer software to accommodate the needs of their business first. In an effort to continue the forums, they are having to tweak the new system to add this function, and the survey was done mainly to see what functions were mentioned most often by the posters, in an effort to satisfy the most popular "needs". Past experience showed me that despite the best efforts of a qualified IT staff, no software update ever went smoothly, without information being lost in the transfer of files. I was glad to see many posts did not survive the transfer, and am also surprised at what did transfer in the upgrade.
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Re: Is this really what we survey takers asked for?

[ Edited ]



This change was supported by those who requested more control , night moderators, etc. There was one major spam flurry (origin apparently unknown) which contained nasty words.  I would have thought there were less draconian measures to deal with spamming, without such a change to the forums.


 Change that brings growth and opportunity is a good thing, when change occurs I make a practice of  looking around to see whose needs are being met.


I would like to see the sub-forums return.


"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras